Three long years had passed and the circle of faith could grow only so much. Many people were aware of the change in Mecca, whether it was those who had witnessed a friend or a relative accepting Islam, or those who themselves had been invited to Islam, or those who had witnessed the
Continue Reading →Meanwhile the pilgrimage season had arrived, and there was a new commotion among the Quraysh. What they feared most was that the pilgrims coming from the outside would speak to the Messenger of Allah and that he would start sharing the verses with them. They had to prevent this at all
Continue Reading →The Quraysh was increasingly acting in a very sinister way; apart from the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessing be upon him, they did all they could to injure Khadija as well. They were putting pressure on the husbands of the three daughters of the Messenger of Allah who had married
Continue Reading →They had tried everything till that day and yet had had no success. It was clear that in this war, it was not enough to respond to the Word with words in order to defeat the Muslims. They had to resort to other means. Brute force was something that those who were defeated by way of ar
Continue Reading →The polytheists came when Muslims prayed and always mocked them, always harassed them in the Prayers. That’s why the Messenger of Allah and his Companions chose peaceful and remote places in order to be able to pray in peace, reading the Qur’an in silence. But the polytheists soon fou
Continue Reading →There was a new development every moment in Mecca; on the one hand the verses Truthful Gabriel was bringing were seeping through the town like ripples, on the other hand the Quraysh were confronting the believers with new traps. They had tried all the tricks in the book but had not be
Continue Reading →One day the Messenger of Allah had come to the Ka’ba and was circumambulating the house of Allah. There he encountered with the leading figures of the Quraysh such as Aswad ibnu’l-Muttalib, Walid ibn Mughira, Umayya ibn Khalaf and As ibn Wail. It seemed they had made certain plans aga
Continue Reading →It was a Wednesday evening. The Messenger of Allah had raised his hands for prayer in the house of Ibn Arqam in supplication to his Lord. He was so sincere and insistent that it drew the attention of those that were near him. He held up his hands high and wide at the sky, his eyes fix
Continue Reading →Five years had passed since the coming of the first revelation. It was the month of Rajab. The house of Ibn Arqam as a temporary sanctuary had met their needs to a certain degree, for there was now a place where believers could speak about issues concerning their faith in a peaceful e
Continue Reading →The troubles that the Muslims faced grew with each passing day and at last the noble Messenger said that the solution might be in migrating to Abyssinia once again. He had received news about how those who had gone before were treated and that is why the Messenger of Allah was encoura
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