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Paradoxical Expression in the Qur’an

There Are Some Seemingly Paradoxical Expression in the Qur’an. How Can We Reconcile Them? In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate. Alif Lam Ra. A Book whose verses were established and set clear, and then distinguished, from One All-Wise, All-Aware. (11:1) In order t

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Rain Drops From The Book of God

Ever wondered where we stand in the universe? What is behind all this sparklingly beautiful sky in the night or bright light blue skyline in the day, or beyond beautiful clouds? Then, take a short journey at the speed of light through this dazzling, known universe, and still wonder wh

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NEICC SEMINARS – The Serenity of a Family in New York

Turkish families from all around the New York gathered together at Turkish Cultural Center New York’s Medford location last week to discuss the importance of family life serenity. As the head guest and a speaker Dr. Figen Barlas Es touched upon the tips and clues on how the coup

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33 Hadiths for Young Children

33 Hadiths for Young Readers is a perfect compilation of the sayings of the blessed Messenger, specifically chosen for young people. Ismail Gokce specifically chosen for young people ISBN: 9781597843126 FORMAT: Paperback PAGES: 96 DIMENSIONS: 5.5 x 8.25 inches PUB.DATE: December.2013

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Prophet Muhammad The Beloved Messenger of Allah

Prophet Muhammad The Beloved Messenger of Allah

Mustafa Erdogan Life of Prophet Muhammad ISBN: 9781597843089 FORMAT: Paperback PAGES: 154 DIMENSIONS: 5 x 7.5 inches PUB.DATE: December.2013 On that day, the idols at the Ka’ba toppled over, falling to the floor. Many kilometers away, in Persia, there rose a terrifying tremor. F

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40 Hadiths for Children

40 Hadiths for children is a colorful compilation of the most important 40 sayings of the blessed Prophet with brief explanations following it. Adem Garip with brief explanations ISBN: 9781597843119 FORMAT: Paperback PAGES: 84 DIMENSIONS: 5 x 7.5 inches PUB.DATE: December.2013  

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