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Good Character

Dr. Musa Kazim Gulcur – Based on the teaching of the Qur’an and the good examples set by the Prophet Muhammad, this collection of protocol describes exactly how Muslims must conduct themselves in certain situations such as greeting family and friends, eating, and visiting

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The Resurrection and the Afterlife

Ali Unal Thanks to the advances in modern science, we have an ever increasing appreciation of just what an amazing creation our universe is. Even the knowledge that scientists and doctors continue to gather about our bodies stagger our imaginations. We see miracles repeated so many ti

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The Young Person’s Guide to Living Islam

Asli Kaplan This book is a form of guidance for the youth of today, a guide for their everyday lives, as well as being a compilation of useful information that is related to the various forms of worship with informative explanations given in an understandable manner. It has been prepa

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Who created God?

People with no inner spiritual life sometimes ask: If God created everything, who created God? The Prophet said that some people would ask this very question: “A day will certainly come when some people will sit with their legs crossed and ask: ‘If God created everything,

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Why Can’t We See God?

God is absolutely other than His creation, for the Creator cannot have the same kind of being as His creation. Although this is self-evident, some people still ask why we cannot see God directly. Direct vision is very limited. Consider the following: A tooth contains innumerable bacte

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Why did God Create the Universe?

When analyzing this issue, some facts must be kept in mind. While we perceive things from a human perspective, God does not. While we act out of necessity or desire, God does not. In other words, we cannot ascribe human attributes and motivations to God. Who is distressed by the unive

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Why Are We Sent Here?

Since God Knows What We Will Do, Why Does He Send Us Here? In short, we are sent here to improve our abilities and skills through the responsibilities He ordains for us. Not all people are created with the same ability and the same disposition; rather, they are like rough minerals wai

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The Qur’an Says: There is No Compulsion in Religion (2:256) What Does This Mean?

Compulsion is contrary to the meaning and purpose of religion, which essentially is an appeal to beings endowed with free will to affirm and worship their Creator. Intention and volition are necessary bases of all actions (including formal worship), attitudes, and thoughts for which t

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What is the Point of Worship, and Why Does it Have to Be Done in a Certain Way?

Consider our position in this universe. We are neither omnipotent nor self-sufficient, and so have needs, many of which we cannot satisfy. We are weak and vulnerable, and subject to worry, illness, and other negative events. When we look at the sheer abundance of animate and inanimate

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