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Was Muhammad’s Mission Limited and Temporary?

All of the available information and resources, including his life, shows that his mission was universal and eternal. Such men as Alexander the “Great,” the Roman Caesars, Napoleon, Hitler, and the imperialists of Europe, Russia, and America all sought extensive dominion f

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Why Was the Prophet Polygamous?

Some critics of Islam have reviled the Prophet as a self-indulgent libertine. They have accused him of character failings that are hardly compatible with being of average virtue, let alone with being a Prophet and God’s last Messenger, as well as the best model for humanity to f

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Can We Choose Our Actions?

Based on the verse cited above, it seems that God controls us. However, the Qur’an says that God has given us reason, intellect, and free will so that we can choose the way of good or evil. How can we reconcile these? The Arabic word hidaya usually is translated as “guidan

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What Happens to People Born and Living in Non-Islamic Countries?

Those who ask this question imply: “Since we believe in God and His Prophet, we will go to Paradise. But those who were born and live in non-Islamic countries do not benefit from the Divine Light and Guidance, so they will go to Hell.” The question is a debating ploy, clai

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Why Are There Fortunate and Unfortunate People?

God bestows material wealth and poverty upon individuals for reasons known only to Him. For example, a poor person might inherit wealth when a rich family member or relative dies. Some people inherit intelligence, shrewdness, and business acumen, while others who could undertake these

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Why Are Some People Created ”More Equal” Than Others?

God created each one of your cells, as well as those of all other animate and inanimate parts of creation, and gave us our human nature. He has given us everything; we have given Him nothing. So how can you complain or accuse Him of being unjust? Injustice comes from not giving what i

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Are the Manner And Time Of Death Predetermined?

Every event, including the manner and time of death, are predestined. Everything occurs within the framework of the Divine Decree, and also within an individual plan for each being. Such plans are always in harmony with one another. This is a system established by God in the past eter

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Why Are Whole Nations no Longer Punished?

Both the Bible and the Qur’an relate how God destroyed the people of Prophet Lot and Prophet Noah. Noah’s people refused to abandon their idolatry and evil ways and embrace Islam, even though he called upon them do so for centuries, and so God destroyed them by a great flo

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Can Our Intention Save Us?

An intention that leads to the appropriate intended action being taken may save a person. An intention that does not result in any determination to bring about the intended result cannot save a person. To have an intention means to have an aim and a purpose. It is also a state of mind

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