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What is Death?

The body is an instrument of the spirit, which governs and controls it in its entirety. When its appointed hour comes, an illness or failure of bodily functions is like an invitation to the Angel of Death, known as Archangel ‘Azra’il in Islam. God is obviously the One Who

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What About the Angel of Death?

Since all angels were created from light, they can be present in any place and in any form simultaneously. They also can perform countless tasks at the same time. Therefore, ‘Azra’il can take millions of souls simultaneously and without any confusion. Each Archangel has su

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What Do We Feel At the Time of Death?

At the time of death, believers experience the opening of windows from their places in Paradise. Prophet Muhammad stated that the souls of such people are drawn out as gently as the flowing of water from a pitcher. Better than that, martyrs do not feel death’s agonies of and do

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Should We Fear Death?

Those who believe and do righteous deeds have no reason to fear death. Although it appears to us as decomposition and the extinction of life and its pleasures, in fact it is no more than a discharge from the heavy duties of worldly life, a change of residence, and a transferral of the

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What Happens to the Spirit in the Intermediate World?

Following death, each person’s spirit is taken to God’s Presence. If it led a good, virtuous life and became refined, the angels charged with taking it to His Presence wrap it in a piece of satin and take it, through the heavens and all inner dimensions of existence, until

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Why does one creature’s life depend on the death of another?

Just as day replaces night, spring follows winter, and autumn takes the place of summer, death follows life. The Creator, Who governs everything, does nothing in vain. He creates the most beautiful and intricate beings out of the lowest, seemingly unpromising, materials. Since it is t

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Is Reincarnation Compatible With Islam?

Reincarnation (tanasukh) refers to the doctrine that after death the soul moves on to inhabit another body, then dies again and moves on to another body, until there is no longer any reason for it to do so. It is incompatible with Islam. Belief in some form of reincarnation can be fou

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What Are the Differences Between the Islamic and the Modern Scientific Points of View On Knowledge (‘ilm)? How Does The Qur’an Regard ”Knowledge”?

Genuine knowledge (‘ilm) is a source of infinite light covered with truth, which leads enlightened people toward the righteous path. Modern science is built and developed upon existing information gained through experimentation and correcting previous errors. In general, science

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You say that Islam is a religion of unity, but we see differences – sometimes major differences – even among the companions. Why is this so?

In classical Islamic terminology, pluralism means to perceive details in different ways while remaining true to the origin and truth, to understand God’s Will in matters related to us in a way that is worthy of Him, and to have different thoughts and ideas. There are many ways to God,

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