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How Should We React to the Evil Thoughts and Desires Whispered by Satan?

Involuntary evil thoughts, fancies, or associations of ideas usually are the result of Satan’s interference. Just as a battery has two poles, there are two central points to our hearts. These two poles work like the two poles of a battery; one receives angelic inspirations, whil

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Is There an Islamic Code of Conduct Concerning Way of Dressing?

There are no formal rules in Islam concerned with the way one wears one’s hair, the style of clothing or anything else related to external appearance. What is important in Islam is that followers must present an Islamic identity, interpret its spirituality, and represent in a go

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It appears that the time of the coming of rain and the sex of the baby in the mother’s womb can be known in advance. Are these then no longer to be counted among the “five mysteries” mentioned in the Qur’an?

The question concerns the mystery of “time” and “knowledge” which governs all five things mentioned in the verse: The knowledge of the Hour is with God. It is He Who sends down rain, and He Who knows what is in the wombs. And no one knows what it is that he wil

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Do the appointed times of death (ajal) of people who die en masse in natural disasters come to all of them at the same time?

. . . And He knows all that is on land and in the sea; and not a leaf falls but He knows it; and neither is there a grain in the earth’s deep darkness, nor anything living or dead, but is recorded in His clear Decree. (An’am 6:59) Death is understood as the cessation and c

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Why does the Qur’an Mention a Person Such As Abu Lahab Who Was An Inveterate Enemy of Islam? What is the Wisdom in Doing So? How does it Befit the Dignity and Purport of the Divine Book?

Abu Lahab was one of the uncles of Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him. His real name was ‘Abd al Uzza. He was popularly called Abu Lahab (literally, “the father of flame”) on account of his ruddy complexion and hot, fiery temper. He was one of the most

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What is Ulfa (Familiarity)? And What Are its Negative Effects?

The word ulfa means familiar intercourse, familiarity, friendship. But what is meant in the question has a far broader and more comprehensive meaning than the bare translation of the word conveys. Humanity’s relationship to things and events, the meanings and conclusions drawn b

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How Can “Moderation” Be Defined?

Moderation is the balanced way between extremes, the middle way between two excesses: ifrat (too much) and tafrit (too little). It is also to use one’s primordial nature, capacity, and skills to do good, to do exactly what is prescribed by the Creator, on His way. Man’s fa

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Is It Right When People Link HIV to “The Beast of the Earth” (Dabbat al ard), One of the Signs of the Last Day?

The question touches on two matters. One has to do with what AIDS is; the other has to do with how Muslims as Muslims make sense of it and of similar phenomena. Let us take the first matter first. What is AIDS? AIDS or Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome is a viral infection which des

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What are the Reasons for the Fact that Islam Spread Over Such Vast Territories in Such a Short Time in the Past? What are the Reasons for the Muslims’ Defeat and Failure at the Present Time?

A Muslim could be defined as one who believes in God and the principles of faith decreed by God, who never deems the opposite of these principles even likely, and thus submits and surrenders himself to God. That is, a Muslim is one who wholeheartedly and sincerely performs and represe

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