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What do You Say About Sperm Banks and Artificial Insemination?

Sperm banks are established to facilitate artificial insemination. It has been used for plants and animals for a long time to produce higher quality breeds and to improve and preserve the species. However, its widespread use for humans is recent. The seed in the plant kingdom and the

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What is the Islamic Perspective on Anticipation For the Messiah and the Mahdi?

Messiah is a name or attribute of Jesus, peace be upon him. Messiah means “blessed” in Hebrew, thus this name might have been used for him in admiration for his merits and virtues It is reported that he was given this name for several reasons: he was protected from all kin

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How Should People Avoid Sins, Distractions, and Temptations?

The question refers to one of the greatest difficulties of modern life. Even the not-so-young, but of course especially the young live in a social environment that exaggerates the natural pressures of youth to an extreme; ever-present temptations and passing desires scatter one’

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What is “Unity of Being” (Wahdat al-Wujud)? Does it Conform in Any Way to the Teachings of Islam?”

Wahdat al-wujud (literally, oneness or unity of being) is a teaching mostly spoken of in connection with mystics and Sufis. Although the phrase refers to a subjective state or direct, inward experience attained by Sufis, it has also been understood and discussed as a philosophical con

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What Should Be the Understanding of “Mujaddid” in Our Time? Does it Refer to a Single Individual Only, or does it Rather Signify a Collective Personality (Shakhs Al-Manawi)?

There is no Mujaddid (renewer) presently. All of them have passed on having completed their mission. Today what is left behind as a duty for us is to recognize them and make sound assessments of their interpretations and perspectives. All of them and especially “the sage of the

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What are the Greatest Dangers and Pitfalls That a Believer Faces, and What Precautions Can Be Taken?

Humanity is being tested in this world. Life itself, from the beginning until the end, is full of tests that are different in shape and level of difficulty. Said Nursi has mentioned the most dangerous six categories of these pitfalls in the 29th Letter and showed the safe paths that &

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How Should Believers Invite Others to Faith?

The aim of sending the Prophets is communicating the divine message, which is the most important and vital obligation incumbent on humanity. That is to say, to enlighten others with knowledge of the true religion and the duties that accompany it. In the light of this our primary duty

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What is the Reason for the Persistence of Darwinism in the General Culture of the Masses, Though Many of Darwin’s Hypotheses Have Been Challenged and Even Disproved?

It would be difficult to find another theory which, like Darwinism, has been battered and defeated so many times, and yet the corpse of it revived artificially again and again. Some scientists still defend it to the hilt; others discredit it altogether, asserting that holding to it is

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How Can We Avoid Sins, and How Can We Show Sincere Repentance?

It is very important for our spiritual and emotional life to pay special attention to repentance, the greatest shelter against sins, in the following respects: Reaction to Sin One’s reaction to a sin that he or she has committed is closely related to one’s moral and spirit

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