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Writing Down The Qur’an

During the time of the Prophet was the Qur’an committed to memory and writing down? The Qur’an was revealed to an illiterate Prophet who grew up in a society that was for the most part illiterate. Thus, the Prophet’s primary concern was to commit the Revelation to memory and to convey

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The Prophet and People of The Book

It has been narrated that the Prophet had met with certain individuals from the People of the Book. What is the significance of this? God’s Messenger met with a priest named Bahira in the Busra market near Damascus when he was a child. He also met Waraqa ibn Nawfal in Mecca just after

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Prophet and Teaching The Qur’an

Q: Is it possible that the Prophet was taught the Qur’an by others? Such a thing is neither possible nor probable; all of history is witness that God’s Messenger was never a student to anyone nor had he ever been taught by anyone. As a matter of fact, it is extremely well-known that h

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Differences between the styles of the Qur’an

Q: Is it possible that the Qur’an is the word of the Prophet? There are great differences between the styles of the Qur’an and of the Prophet. Arabic speakers of both the Prophet’s own time and of later periods noticed the obvious differences between these two styles. Thus, they could

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Preservation of the Qur’an

Q: Other Holy Books have been altered over time; is this the case for the Qur’an? God Almighty sent down all the Scriptures with His Messengers. Though the basic message of all the Prophets, and thus the basic message of all the Books they brought, is one and the same message from God

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The Qur’an and the Unseen

Q: How does the Qur’an inform us of the Unseen? The Qur’an contains knowledge of the unseen, or the ghayb, which is beyond any sort of perception; it also presents much of the history of bygone nations and predictions about the near or distant future. As the exact knowledge of the uns

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True path of the Qur’an

Q: What does the statement the Qur’an guides people to the truest path mean? The Qur’an guides people to the truest path and to the most suitable attitudes. The following verse explains this as: “This Qur’an surely guides (in all matters) to that which is most just and right and gives

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Mysteries of the Qur’an

Q: It is said that five things that only God can know are mentioned in the Qur’an. What are they?  The following verse explains the five things of which God alone has exact knowledge: With God alone rests the knowledge of the Last Hour (when it will come). He sends down rain (just at

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Questions about the Qur’an

Q: How should we understand the verse, “Had the Qur’an been from any other than God, they would surely have found in it much incoherence or inconsistency”? ” No human being has been able to find a defect in the Qur’an and they never will be able to do so. Nothing contrary to pure reas

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