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What is the believers’ version of the concept of self-confidence or self-esteem? Can we strike a balance between being an ordinary person and cherishing high goals?

What is the believers’ version of the concept of self-confidence or self-esteem? Can we strike a balance between being an ordinary person and cherishing high goals? Self-confidence, or self-esteem, is usually defined as a person’s believing and trusting in himself, relying

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Who are the People the Qur’anic Verses 2:18 and 2:171 Refer to?

“They are utterly deaf, dumb, and blind; they can no longer recover.” (Al-Baqarah, 2:18) “They are deaf, dumb and blind, and so they have no understanding of (what is said to them).” (Al-Baqarah, 2:171) One of the above verses is about hypocrites; and the other

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Desire to Retreat

This transient material world attracts us greatly with the kind of life it imposes upon us, the many opportunities it presents, and its overwhelming daily engagements. As a reaction to these attractions, one may feel inclined to become isolated from society; a desire to retreat may su

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Reproaching Our Fellow-travelers

Different groups or individuals who do good work in their own way are sometimes critical of others for using different methods. What would you say about being critical of others on one hand and feeling satisfied with the correctness of their own method on the other?   One will be

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Divine support and ensuring its continuation

Question: God Almighty has graced us with a great deal of possibilities to serve humanity. What would you recommend so that this holy grace and benediction upon us shall not be stopped?   I think we all are aware that God has taken each of us—while we were wandering here and ther

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The Prophet Muhammad’s illiteracy

Question: Was the Prophet illiterate throughout his life? Or did he-the one for whom veils were lifted with the verse “Read!”, and thus who could read the mysteries of the universe-ever read and write in the sense that we understand? The Arabic word that is used to describ

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The nature of the self (ego)

Question: What is the exact nature of the self? The ego[1] is basically what we call the essence of human nature with qualities that are prone for goodness and evil. God Almighty has placed both good and evil feelings and emotions in our nature. In this respect, we can be both angelic

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How to avoid claiming divine favors upon oneself?

Question: There are positive developments around the world in the direction of a revival of ethical and spiritual values. How should believers position themselves on a safe ground to avoid claiming divine favors upon themselves? This matter has two aspects; we are concerned with one a

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Avoid Lying

(Al-An’am, 6/21)   Avoid Lying   Adherence to ethics, code of morality and good conduct constitutes to be an important, integral and major part of Islamic teachings. Prophet (SAW) said that he was sent to give perfection to the attributes of ethics, morality and good human

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