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An Ideal Muslim

An Ideal Muslim Man uses examples to elaborate his view points and draws on history for lesson to learn from. At times only a few simple words carry a great weight and other times engaging expression couched in beautiful language leaves a lasting impression. Keeping in view the nature

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An Ideal Muslim – Attributes of a Believer

Faith is that condition of belief from which springs forth a multifaceted act of multiplying virtues. This condition brings into bloom a life full of obedience which in turn generates such deeds that even removing a minor obstacle from someone’s path guarantees reward from Allah (SWT)

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Advice for the Sake of Allah

According to Tameem Dari (RA) Prophet (SAW) said that “sincere advice and wishing well” is the essence of Deen, and he (SAW) repeated it three times. Companions (RA ejmaeen) submitted: Ya Rasool Allah: “which to advice and whom to wish well?” Prophet (SAW) replied: “Allah (SWT), His B

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Abu Bakr Siddique (RA)

(Al-Hadeed, 57/10)  Abu Bakr Siddique (RA) – Personality and Status (Part-1) Ameer-ul-Momineen  Abu Bakr Siddique, (RA) the lover and beloved at the same time of Prophet (SAW), was the most distinguished among Prophet (SAW)’s companions and was his first Khalifah. He was the first amo

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Total Dependence on Revelation and Submission To God

Although every Prophet was intelligent and endowed with a comprehensive understanding and a pure soul, these play no role in God’s choice of a Prophet. Most Prophets, including Muhammad, were unlettered and therefore were taught by God. Prophet Muhammad, despite his illiteracy,

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In the name of Allah

In the name of Allah, The Most Gracious and The Most Merciful Tau’bah (Seeking Forgiveness) Allah (Subhanahu WaTaala), the all-Merciful and all-Forgiving, declares in the Holy Qur’an: “Say: O My slaves who have transgressed against themselves (by committing evil deeds and sins)! Despa

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I’m Not Lying; I’m Only Joking

I’m Not Lying; I’m Only Joking by Muhammad Alshareef After the conquest of Makkah, during which the Prophet sal Allaahu alayhi wa sallam had taken over Makkah and the people had become Muslim, Caesar, or Qaisar, realized the power of the Muslims and he decided that he woul

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I Have Only Been Sent to Perfect Good Manners

I Have Only Been Sent to Perfect Good Manners The topic of good akhlaaq is a very important topic. Consider that the Prophet sal Allaahu alayhi wa sallam said: “The only reason I have been sent is to perfect good manners.” Allah subhaanahu wa ta ‘aala starts off Surah Al-Q

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Helping One Another in Righteousness

Helping One Another in Righteousness Allah created man and honored him over all of His other creations. He trusted man with the responsibility of carrying on Allah’s commands. This is a great honor, yet it is also a hard responsibility that cannot be fulfilled completely without

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