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Have You Ever Tasted Jannah

Have You Ever Tasted Jannah? In Saheeh Muslim, Ibn Masood narrates from RasulAllah sal Allaahu alayhi wa sallam the warming story of the last man to escape Hellfire: His crawl away from Hellfire is filled with his face sliping into the dirt, a tremoring walk, and a fire that licks him

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Good Conduct

All praise is due to Allah, the Beneficent and the Merciful. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family and companions.   Dear brothers! One of the goals of Islam is the establishment and fulfilment of Allah’s rights upon mankind, and the rights of man over

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Euzubillahimesseytanirracim Bismillahirrahmanirrahim. Dear Brothers, Insha’Allah today’s khutbah will be about Generosity.  I would like to share with you a moment that occurred during the life of Prophet Muhammed (SAV). Let us all listen to this episode of The King of the Gener

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Earning Lawfully

Friday Khutbah (Sermons) : Earning Lawfully Dear Faithfuls! Islam has come to guarantee a good and clean life that leads Muslims to the highest degree of prosperity in this life and the life to come. It is a principle of this great religion that nothing suits the Good Lord and pleases

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Early days of Ramadhan

Omar Tarhuni    9 April 2000 A-úthú billáhi minash shaytánir rajím. Bismilláhir Rahmánir Rahím! [Arabic du’á] All praise is to Alláh, Whom we thank and seek for His help and forgiveness. We seek refuge in Alláh from the evils of ourselves and the burden of our evil deeds. Whomso

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Divine Laws

In accordance  with humanity’s worth and value, and considering the human heart, spirit, mind, and physical being, the Qur’an descended from the Highest of the High. Containing the most perfect messages, it is a collection of Divine Laws. Followed today by more than one bi

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Conclusion of Ramadan

Omar Tarhuni    12 April 2000 Not long ago, we welcomed Ramadan with a mixture of feelings that overwhelmed our hearts and the hearts of Muslims all over the world. The hearts were and are full of hope, based on the promises and great tidings, given by Allah and His Messenger (S), of

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All praise be to Allah. We thank Him, we seek His help and His forgiveness. We repent to Him, and we ask Him to protect us and guard us from the evil within ourselves, and the evil of our deeds. Those who are guided by Allah, nothing shall misguide them, and those who are misguided by

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Worldly Means and the Criteria for Planning the Future

Question: The Messenger of Allah (SAW) enjoined being like a stranger or traveler in this fleeting world. Some Muslims of the early period regarded even planning what to eat the following day as a form of cherishing long-term worldly objectives and delusion of eternity. Considering th

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