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Transforming Knowledge into Practice

Question: When we study the life of the Companions, we see that as soon as a Qur’anic verse was revealed, they would immediately begin to act upon the Divine command. We are, however, unable to put forth the same attitude. What would be the reasons for our inefficiency at putting our

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Self-Criticism and Asking Forgiveness from God

Question: What are the points to be considered in the face of misfortunes, so that a person can endure different tests in this world as a believer? Answer: It is stated in the verse: “Whatever good happens to you, it is from Allah; and whatever evil befalls you, it is from yourself” (

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Respect for the Sacred

Respect for the Sacred Question: What is the right stance and attitude that become believers in the face of insults and disrespect against religion and sacred values? Answer: When insults and disrespect are directed toward a certain individual, it is a very important virtue in Islam t

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Not Inclining Towards Those Who Do Wrong

Question: After the verse meaning, “Pursue what is exactly right, as you are commanded…” (Hud 11:112), believers are told not to incline towards the wrongdoers in the least. What are the lessons to be drawn from these verses? Answer: Allah Almighty commands all believers to pursue tha

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Crying of Those with Sad Hearts

Question: It is stated that sometimes God grants mercy to an entire world upon the crying of one sad heart. Today, it seems that we do not feel deeply troubled and sympathize enough for humanity’s suffering, so as to weigh heavily on our consciences and prey on our minds. What can be

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Chastity of Thoughts

(Al-Araf, 7/23) Chastity of Thoughts Question: Could you please elucidate the phrases “purity of ideas” or “chastity of thoughts”? Answer: Thought and action are the two most important dynamics that show us the way to truly exist, help us stay as ourselves in the face of fierce storms

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Balance and Moderation

(At-Tawbah, 9/105) Say “Work, and Allah will see your work, and so will His Messenger and the true believers; and you will be brought back to the Knower of the Unseen (of all that lies beyond sense-perception) and the witnessed (the sensed realm), and He will make you understand

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A Social Disease That Paralyzes Sound Reason, Bigotry

Question: What is bigotry? And what are the differences between being steadfast in faith and being bigoted? Answer: The term “taassub” (used for “bigotry” in the English language) means evaluating matters only according to one’s own understanding without considering it from different

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Belief, makes a person into a true human being, indeed, it makes that person superior to other creatures, living beings. True belief in Islam, which is iman, literally means trust and safety. A person who has faith means a person who is safe and whom you can trust and be safe from.  A

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