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The existence of God is too evident to need any arguments. Some saintly scholars even have stated that God is more manifest than any other being, but that those who lack insight cannot see Him. Others have said that He is concealed from direct perception because of the intensity of Hi

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All religions revealed to the Prophets have the same essence. Over time, however, the original message was misinterpreted, mixed with superstition, and degenerated into magical practices and meaningless rituals. The conception of God, the very core of religion, was debased by anthropo

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Mediaeval European conceptions about the nature and existence of the universe were strongly underpinned by the authority of the Church which in turn relied upon arguments from scriptures that had long since deviated from their true originals. As modern scientific thinking developed, i

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Questions and Answers about Islam (Vol. 2)

M. Fethullah Gulen – Islam, probably the most misunderstood religion in the world, is among the hot reading topics for people all over the world. Questions and Answers about Islam Vol. 1 and 2 have been prepared to provide first-hand information from one of the most leading Isla

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Islamic Perspectives on Science

Ali Unal – Aiming to unveil the revelation that Islam is a religion that encourages and supports scientific research, this collection of essays by Muslim scholars focuses on the importance of the universe in Islamic tradition. The contributors offer extensive historical and doct

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RAMADAN: The Blessed Month of Islam

The Light – Ramadan: The Blessed Month of Islam covers this most significant Islamic month from various aspects and opens a window for those who are not familiar with it, as well as for those who are already practicing it.   http://www.tughrabooks.com/books/detail/ramadan-t

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Can a Bridge Build Itself?

Omer A. Ergi – A believer recognizes and affirms Almighty God. In his view this world is an abode where the Name of the All-Merciful One is constantly recited, a place of instruction for man and the animals, and a field of examination for man and jinn. All animal and human death

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Surrendering to God : Understanding Islam in the Modern World

Eren Tatari – Dr. Eren Tatari is an Assistant Professor of Political Science at Rollins College, FL. She completed her Ph.D. at Indiana University and her M.A. from Purdue University. She received a B.A. from Franklin and Marshall College, PA in Government and Economics. Her tea

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Living the Ethics and Morality of ISLAM

Islam, which literally means peace, submission, and obedience, is the religion of the whole universe. The universe is orderly, a cosmos whose parts are linked together and work together for the same purpose and goal. This book seeks to present Islam true face and make it known in a su

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