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It is a known fact that every language has one or more terms that are used in reference to God and sometimes to lesser deities. This is not the case with Allah. Allah is the personal name of the One true God. Nothing else can be called Allah. The term has no plural or gender. This sho

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Questions and Answers about Islam (Vol. 1)

In the past, unbelief was the result of ignorance. Then, when people learned about the truth, they were enlightened and found peace of mind. But recently unbelief, rejection, and denial have been attitudes of those who consider themselves knowledgeable in all fields, who claim to acce

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25 Remedies for the Sick

‘’Sickness washes away the dirt of sins like soap, and cleanses. It is established in an authenticated hadith that illnesses are expiation for sins. It says, ‘As ripe fruits fall from the tree when it is shaken, so the sins of a believer fall away with the shaking during illness.’’ &n

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Life after Death

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Islam: The Universal Faith

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God: Existence-Oneness-Attributes

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Sincerity and Brotherhood

You should pursue God’s good pleasure in your actions. If He is pleased with you, even if the whole world is displeased, it is of no consequence. If He approves, it has no effect even if all others reject your ideas or actions. When He is pleased and approves, even if you do not seek

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Nature: Cause or Effect?

‘’If the thing which naturalists call ‘nature’ has an external reality, it can, at the very most, be a work of art, not an artist; it can be a design, not a designer; a set of decrees, not an issuer of decrees; a set of the lawgiver; a creation and operation of the universe, not a law

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33 Windows of the Truth

‘’God has, within His universal and all-inclusive rules, special favors and help, as well as particular manifestations, that encourage every being to turn to Him at any time and ask Him to meet any of its needs. Also, in order to make His Existence and Unity evident, He opened windows

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