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Quran and the masculine form of address

Q: Why is the masculine form of address used in the Qur’an? First it should be stated that the Qur’an addresses not only men, but all of humanity. There are more than thirty different forms of address in the Qur’an; it addresses the Prophet as “O Prophet,” the believers as “O believer

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Events in the Qur’an

Q: Why is the same event mentioned differently in different chapters of the Qur’an? Certain stories of Prophets or narratives of past nations have been mentioned more than once in different Qur’anic chapters. Such repetition is not simply repetition for the sake of repetition, but it

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Why the Quran is in Arabic

Q: Why is the Qur’an in Arabic? How can the Qur’an have a universal nature if it was revealed in Arabic? The guidance from God comes through the Prophets and the Messengers; they brought with them the Book from God in the language of their people. The fact that the Qur’an was revealed

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Translations of the Quran and daily prayers

Q: Is it possible to use the translations of the Qur’an during the recitation of the daily prayers? It is a must to refer to the verses of the Qur’an and the practices of Prophet Muhammad ( Sunna) to see whether a certain action is permissible or not. Reciting the Qur’an while perform

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Are there words of the Prophet or other people in the Qur’an?

Are there words of the Prophet or other people in the Qur’an? Certainly their words are quoted and find place in the Qur’an. As we read the Qur’an, we see that the words and thoughts of Prophet Muhammad, other Prophets, peace be upon them all, as well as their people, Satan, the jinn,

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Why the Qur’an is in Arabic

Q: Why is the Qur’an in Arabic? How can the Qur’an have a universal nature if it was revealed in Arabic? The guidance from God comes through the Prophets and the Messengers; they brought with them the Book from God in the language of their people. The fact that the Qur’an was revealed

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Qur’an Recitation and Daily Prayers

Is it possible to use the translations of the Qur’an during the recitation of the daily prayers? It is a must to refer to the verses of the Qur’an and the practices of Prophet Muhammad ( Sunna) to see whether a certain action is permissible or not. Reciting the Qur’an while performing

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Translating the Qur’an

Q: Is an accurate translation of the Qur’an possible? Translation is the rendering of the exact words of an original text into another language. For a translation to be accurate it should be in keeping with the original language, expressing all the subtleties of the words, meanings, i

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wisdom of oaths in the Qur’an

Oaths are sworn upon different things in the Qur’an. What is the divine wisdom of such oaths? There are a number of things that are sworn on in the Qur’an. Such oaths may have been taken on something due either to the virtue of that thing, due to its usefulness, or because it is a glo

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