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Iftar Gathering with the Members of the communities in The Grater Rochester Area – Time to Share the bread and Care Others

Islamic Study Group Initiate to Build a Bridges with the other organizations in the community. With the colabration of North East Islamic Community Center Islamic Study and Turkish Cultural Center offered Iftar (Fast Breaking Dinner) with youths and community and religious group membe

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Community Ramadan Dinner at Syracuse New York

North East Islamic Community Center, Turkish Cultural Center – Syracuse and Interfaith Works hosted a Ramadan Dinner for diverse members of the community on Tuesday, June 21, 2016 . There were about 110 guests including members of the Interfaith Works, Zen Center, Unity Church and oth

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At the north corner of New York Rochester. North East Islamic Community Center Co-sponsor Community Iftar for three days a week during the Blessing Month of Ramadan with Turkish Cultural Center of Rochester. It is not only eating rather respect and sharing. One of the professor who at

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Muslims around the world see the holy month of Ramadan as a time to reconnect with God and their spiritual sides. To do this, many read and recite the Qur’an, the direct word of God. Many meet up in groups to recite together. Out of these groups, those with the greatest knowledge of t

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The Month of Ramadan

On the Month of Ramadan[1] In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate. The month of Ramadhan [is that] in which was revealed the Qur’an, a guidance for the people and clear proofs of guidance and criterion. So whoever sights [the new moon of] the month, let him fast it;

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Upstate New York Weekend School Year

NEICC and TCC Rochester Upstate New York Weekend School Year End Activities

NEICC and TCC Rochester Upstate New York Weekend School Year end Activities “Every ends has new beginnings” North East Islamic Community Center Rochester Upstate New York Weekend School is completing year long education. At the semifinals 9 out of 20 students achieved to compete final

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Mutashabih verses in the Qur’an

What is the reason for the mutashabih verses in the Qur’an? The Qur’an is not a book that addresses the people of a particular area at a particular time. On the contrary, it is universal, speaking to all people at all times. Accordingly, whatever principles and messages it has brought

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Difference of Muhkam or Mutashabih

Qur’anic verses are divided into two groups, known as muhkam or mutashabih. What is the difference? These two categories of Qur’anic verses are concerned with their meaning; muhkam means established, decisive, while mutashabih means allegorical. a. The meanings of the terms muhkam and

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Significance of Basmala

Is the basmala a verse and why is it written at the start of every chapter? It is considered proper Islamic manners to begin to read or to do any action with the name of the Supreme Creator. This can be seen in the following verses: Read in and with the Name of your Lord, Who has crea

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