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North East Islamic Community Center organized Social Family Brunch at NEICC Brooklyn Main Office. It was a social gathering event with friends and families from all walks of life. The participants enjoyed the multicultural food and had an opportunity to meet one another. After the bru

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NEICC (North East Islamic Community Center) is dedicated to promote Islamic culture in diverse cultural setting in the United States. To promote a better understanding of Muslim beliefs, culture and social life NEICC organizes Quran Classes for kids on Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday from

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TCC Queens opened its doors to yet another warm and welcoming event. It was a social gathering breakfast with the community. Friends and families from very different backgrounds joined the event. As everyone enjoyed having a Turkish breakfast with Turkish tea and pastries, the atmosph

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Jihad and Qital: Two Concepts Where Confusion About Islam Starts

In this article, I will try to summarize the concept of jihad and war according to the Qur’an, and analyze their practices during the time of the Prophet. As these concepts have often been confused, it has led to some common misjudgments about Islam. In the early years of Islam,

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Time to Feel Agony

Question: Why are we not as concerned as we should be, in spite of the heart-rending incidents we encounter every day in our world? How do you think one should act in order to be a considerate believer in the sight of God? Answer: There are circles of concern for a person, from the cl

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Wrongful actions

People of Action and Scholarly Ones Question: What are the lessons today’s believers should draw from the following Divine message: “Believers should not go forth to war all together. But why should not a party from every community of them mobilize to acquire profound, correct knowled

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Islam and True Sense

Islam and Being Human in the True Sense Question: You have stated that, “Islam, the All-Mighty Creator’s greatest and universal gift to all, can be actualized through being human in the true sense; the human is the spiritual index of all creation, by that which is made from the intell

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Servanthood to God

Soil and Rose Question: In his work, Gulistan, Sheikh Sadi states: “Be soil, so that you grow roses; nothing other than soil can grow roses.” What meanings does this aphorism suggest pertaining to our understanding of servanthood to God? Answer: If we first look at the literal meaning

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Loving Words, Loving Actions

I am a practicing Muslim woman living in the USA. Practicing, you may ask? How much? How well? It’s between me and God, but I can assure you that I am more practicing than I was before. I wasn’t really practicing until I came to Istanbul to attend college. There, I was sha

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