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North East Islamic Community Center is organizing monthly lecture series in Albany. Every month Turkish -Americans gather at Turkish Cultural Center located in Albany for the educational seminars and lectures. The topic of the month was about God’s unity and  He is always with t

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Turkish Cultural Center-Syracuse, in collaboration with Temple Concord  and North Islamic Community Center held the second event called ‘Sacred Stories in Islam and Judaism’ . Two story tellers, Jim Brule from Temple Concord and Prof. Elliott Bazzano from LeMoyne College explain

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NEICC Annual Seminar

Neicc organized Annual Seminar and workshop for its staff and volunteers. At the seminar Neicc Instructors informed the staff and the volunteers about curriculum that will be followed new year.

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Who is Prophet Muhammad – Reading Contest

This year’s Reading Contest Book Offering a deeper understanding of God’s Messenger, this book on the life of the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessing be upon him, focuses on particular aspects of his life that highlight his significance as a husband, a father, an educator, and

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A Sweet Eid Celebration for the Children of Syracuse

Members of the Syracuse Turkish Community organized an Eid Celebration on the weekend. After enjoying a delicious breakfast, children participated in games and activities such as egg race or  face painting. During the second day of the celebration, approximately 20 children came toget

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ISLAMIC FAITH 1             Where to buy

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Introduction to ISLAMIC FAITH             Where to buy

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Phenomenal Qur’an Competition

New York, September 19, 2015- North East Islamic Community Center (NEICC) and Turkish Cultural Center (TCC) in New York have together organized a phenomenal Qur’an Competition for Elementary and Middle School students. Participants have demonstrated their outstanding performance to th

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Hikma (Wisdom)

  Hikma (wisdom), meaning knowledge, the understanding of Divine commandments, philosophy, the real reasons for the existence of events and of things, and grasping the goals and benefits in religion, has been interpreted by the exacting scholars of truth as being able to combine

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