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My Guide to Understanding Islam Vol.1

Growing in faith, and exemplary conduct, are essential for any Muslim on the path to intellectual, social, and spiritual maturation and perfection. My Guide to Understanding Islam is a three-volume compendium of rules and standards for today’s Muslim youth. It can serve as a self-stud

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Map of The Divine Subtle Faculty

The heart, in the Islamic understanding, is the expression of a human being’s spiritual existence. It is a Divine gift and Divine subtle faculty bestowed upon humanity. It is a polished mirror reflecting God. This mirror opens onto truth and reality, projects the realms beyond the cor

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A History of the Methodology of Qur’anic Exegeses

The Qur’an, the primary source of knowledge for all Muslims, contains universal principles. This Holy Book has been interpreted numerous times by scholars since its revelation. Despite being a single text, just 300 pages long, the rich content of the Qur’an has afforded multiple types

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Turkish Cultural Center-Syracuse, in collaboration with Temple Concord  and North Islamic Community Center held the event called ‘Sacred Stories in Islam and Judaism’ on August 26, 2015. Two story tellers, Jim Brule from Temple Concord and Prof. Elliott Bazzano from LeMoyne Coll

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Iftar Dinner İn Baptist Church

We are in another holy month of Ramadan on Long Island. The main goal of reaching out to all different races and religion and efforts to build bridges of friendship between every individual continued in this Ramadan also. The Iftar dinner that was held in Long island Baptist Antiak ch

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Greed and Its Consequences

O people of belief, now you understand how harmful enmity is. Greed is another great disease, and just as harmful for Islam’s life, for it causes disappointment, sickness, humiliation, deprivation, and misery to arise. The humiliation and misery of those nations who leap at this world

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Dangers and pitfalls in faith

What are the greatest dangers and pitfalls that a believer faces, and what precautions can be taken? Humanity is being tested in this world. Life itself, from the beginning until the end, is full of tests that are different in shape and level of difficulty. Said Nursi has mentioned th

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NEICC and TCC Queens organized Iftar Dinner with Japanese and Local Artists in Queens

Many thanks for the wonderful performances and demonstrations by our friends from Resobox, at another Inter-Cultural Iftar Dinner organized by NEICC and TCC Queens; Gibo Masako (Shamisen (Japanse guitar)), Helen Moss (Nihonbuyo (Japanese classical dance)) Deborah Klens-Bigman (Iai (Ja

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North East Islamic Community Center and Turkish Cultural Center organized a kids iftar dinner. Turkish Cultural Center Boston hosted kids iftar dinner in Revere Ma. Iftar has started with Magrib A`zan and about forty people joined to this iftar.TCC offered Ice cream to the kids, their

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