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Mahabba – love for the Almighty

Mahabba (Love) Mahabba means fondness, tender and kind feelings, preference, and love. Love that affects and invades one’s feelings is called passion; love that is so deep and irresistible that it burns for union is called fervor and enthusiasm. Sufis have defined love as the relation

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Ikhlas – Sincere Intention

Ikhlas (Sincerity or Purity of Intention)   Ikhlas has been interpreted as being upright, sincere, and pure; being distant from show and ostentation in one’s intention and conduct; and being closed to whatever clouds or fouls the heart. Purity of intention, straightforwardness in

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Syracuse interfaith community shared an Iftar dinner—the evening meal that breaks daily fasting during the Muslim season of Ramadan. The event was sponsored by North East Islamic Community Center (NEICC), Interfaith Works of Central New York, and Turkish Cultural Center of Syracuse (T

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Reacting To Evil Thoughts and Desires

Q: How should we react to the evil thoughts and desires whispered by Satan? A: Involuntary evil thoughts, fancies, or associations of ideas usually are the result of Satan’s interference. Just as a battery has two poles, there are two central points to our hearts. These two pole

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Perfect Goodness in Islam

Ihsan (Perfect Goodness)   Ihsan two literal meanings, doing something well and perfectly and doing someone a favor; it is sometimes used in the Qur’an and the Sunna with either meaning. At other times, as pointed out in the reflections on Heart while describing Prophet Jos

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Ramadan Tent 2015

The weekend of June 19th. 20th. and 21st. saw the 11th Annual Ramadan Tent celebration in Sunnyside, hosted by the Turkish Cultural Center, Queens, and North East Islamic Community Center. This has now become a much-anticipated event with the people of the community at large, and not

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Qur’an Bible Roundtable Discussion

Syracuse Wood Hath Hope Church and North East Islamic Community Center organized the second roundtable discussion on the topic of “Scriptural bases of Interfaith Dialog” during the first day of Ramadan. The members of the church and Turkish Muslim community members came together at on

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Ensure that the water to be used is pure. Intend to perform wudu to offer prayer, if you plan to pray after taking it. ] Recite: Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim (i.e., in the Name of God, the All-Merciful, the All-Compassionate).

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The Night of Beraat with the Muslim Community

NEICC and TCCNJ came together to spend and share the night of Beraat with the muslim community. In respect to this holy night many muslims were fasting. The program began with the break of fast (Iftar). Towards the evening prayers were made. Muslim Scholar Nevzat Celik gave a Hadith L

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