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Individual and Collective Misfortunes

Question: What are the matters that believers should always keep in mind with regard to the fact that both individual and collective misfortunes and disasters are results of their sins? Answer: By courtesy of belief, all living and non-living things smile into people’s faces as if the

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Muhasaba (Self-Criticism or Self-Interrogation) The word muhasaba literally means reckoning, settling accounts, and self-interrogation. In a spiritual context, however, it takes on the additional meaning of the self-criticism of a believer who constantly analyzes his or her deeds and

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Did Jesus have siblings?

Did Jesus Have Brothers or Sisters? The pregnancy of Mary, the greatest example of purity, was a miracle of God and a wonder of divine creation, and the birth of Jesus, peace be upon him, was the result of this miraculous command. The Qur’an stresses the fact that Mary protected her d

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Beauty and the Beautiful

Beauty elevates our hearts, awakens our souls with sweet excitement and appreciation, and then becomes the esthetic of our inner self. This hard-to-describe phenomenon, this sense that is present in our most joyous moments, is beauty. Even though this definition might seem too narrow,

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Fasting & Self-Control

Fasting in Ramadan and Developing Self-Control Ramadan is the 9th month of the Islamic lunar calendar. It is a special month of the year for over one billion Muslims throughout the world. It is sometimes referred to as the “Sultan of the 11 months.” During this month healthy adult Mus

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The Turkish Cultural Center and North East Islamic Community Center organized a workshop for after school directors and teachers in New Jersey. Beginning September 7, 2015, after school programs will start classes located at the Turkish Cultural center locations. The work shop informe

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The Hajj

The Hajj: Its Spiritual Meaning and Aspects of Worship As one of the most spectacular religious assemblies in the world, the annual Muslim hajj (pilgrimage) to Mecca is more than just visiting holy lands and connecting with the historical legacy of Islam. There are important spiritual

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Five Pillars of Islam

The religion of Islam aims to bring happiness to the lives of human beings in this world and the afterlife by providing them with the most suitable lifestyle for the human condition. Allah revealed Islam through Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) giving Muslims two main sources from which to lea

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Destiny and free will

Question The Prophet says that at the sixth week of the embryo’s development in the mother’s womb, God sends an angel who writes whether the person to come into the world will be righteous and prosperous or wicked and condemned. What does this mean, and how can we reconcil

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