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Charity in Islam

ALMS OF FITR (Charity in Islam) The monetary worship or charity that is carried out during the month of Ramadan is called Alms (Islamic charity) of Fitr. Worship, such as fasting, reciting the Quran, performing the tarawih prayer, searching for the Night of Qadr and the assessment of

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Abrahamic Messages

Paragon of Unity: Discovering The Essence of the Abrahamic Messages When I first heard a politician say, “We can rule from beyond the grave,” I didn’t respond very positively. “What does that mean?” I exclaimed in confusion. However, as it dawned on me that he was actually referring t

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Prophets as Teachers

Prophets are the spiritual teachers of humanity. As the people selected by God to deliver His message to humanity, they were exemplary educators and role models. Therefore, teachers and parents should consider their educational methods seriously, for each parent is a natural teacher a

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Birth of Jesus

The Virgin Birth: The Birth of Jesus without a Biological Father Human development begins at fertilization when a male gamete or sperm unites with a female gamete or oocyte to form a single cell-a zygote. This highly specialized cell marks the beginning of each human being as a unique

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The Miracles of Jesus

A miracle is defined as an extraordinary event that would not be possible under normal conditions and one that is realized by God through the prophets He has sent as His Representatives in order to verify their truthfulness. The prophets possess human frailty; God possesses power. A m

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The Eschatological Descent of Jesus

The Eschatological Descent of Jesus: Muslim Views The Qur’an tells us that the universe will end. Judaism, Christianity, and Islam agree that there will be a Day of Reckoning. The Qur’an describes this day as Yawm al-Qiyamah (Doomsday), al-Sa’ah (The Hour), al-Naba&#

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Muhammad and Jesus Two Great Prophets of God

The relationship between Christianity and Islam throughout history has been often characterized by misunderstanding, rivalry, and frequently hostility. As illustrated in the recent movie, The Kingdom of Heaven, these tensions reached their pinnacle of ugliness in Crusades. In today’s

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Mary and Prophet Jesus

‘O Mary! God gives you glad tidings of a Word from Him: his name is the Messiah [Christ] Jesus son of Mary, honoured in this world and in the Hereafter, and among those nearest [to God]. (Al ‘Imran, 3.42-45) Mary, the mother of Jesus belonged to the family of ‘Imran, one of the noble

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Faults in Belief and Fellowship

Question: Feelings of fellowship between people can be damaged because of some unexpected behavior, and thus good will towards one another can easily be weakened. Is this situation a result of a fault and immaturity in our belief? How can we attain true perfection in belief and how ca

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