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Abuse of Religion and Religious Sentiments

ABUSE OF RELIGION AND RELIGIOUS SENTIMENTS The quest for truth has two principal branches which, if the quest is motivated by sincere love of the truth sought, are radically joined – that is, they have fundamentally the same root and goal even though the branches diverge. The tw

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A Tribute to Mothers

A mother is a blessed saintly being in her own world. The Ka‘ba is the spirit, meaning, essence, and atlas of the entire reality of the universe; Makka is the same for all places, and the mind for the entire body; so too a mother is the spirit, meaning, essence, and atlas for the smal

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The family story of Ishmael

The family story of Ishmael is one of the ten family histories into which the book of Genesis is arranged. This history of Ishmael shows the fulfillment of the promises made by his parents regarding him, and how his mother Hagar had been assured that her descendants would be too many

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Sacred wisdom of the Qur’an

A Commentary For Contemporary World The Twelfth Word In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate Whoever has been given the Wisdom, certainly he has been given much good The following consists of a brief comparison between the sacred wisdom of the Wise Qur’an and human p

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Introduction to the Noble Qur’an

A Brief Introduction to the Noble Qur’an Islam is a fast growing religion in the West. For the last few decades, there has been growing curiosity about the Qur’an, the holy book of Muslims, among non-Muslims. Yet, there is significant confusion and misinterpretation surrounding

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A Bridge From Heart To Heart : Empathy The environment of today is one equipped with high-tech means of communication, some of which are so complicated that we find them difficult to conceive; such a world causes the people of today to lead their lives in isolation. As empathy is an i

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Life of Bediuzzaman Said Nursi

The Blessed Three Months in The Life of Bediuzzaman Said Nursi The wonder of the age, Bediuzzaman Said Nursi, had an exceptional life of worship. There are many accounts reported by his students about his sorrowful sighs and groans while saying his prayers in full concentration and aw

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Does God need our invocations

As God already gives His blessings and peace to the Prophet Muhammad, what is the wisdom in our invoking God’s blessings and peace upon him? Does he need our invocations? The Prophet Muhammad is like the core of all the good deeds, prosperity and divine blessing. He is the unfailing,

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The Blessed Three Months

A Sacred Phase of Time: The Blessed Three Months The blessed three months are Rajab, Sha’ban, and Ramadan (the seventh, eighth, and ninth months) in the Islamic hijri calendar1; these months are distinguished from the rest of the year with a special taste and atmosphere that each poss

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