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Suffering in the World

Is the Suffering in the World in Agreement with God’s Mercy? To some individuals who want to believe, in particular, young minds, the pain and suffering that exist in the world today do not seem to be compatible with the Mercy of a Loving God. It is just too difficult for them t

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Real Religiousness and Having a Sound Character

Question: What should a believer consider so that he doesn’t crack or break in the face of bad words or treatment? Answer: In terms of the Islamic world of thought and terminology, character is the deeds and acts of worship commanded by Islam. These must be developed through constant

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A Spirited and Active Life of Service

Question: How can we realize the ideal of constantly remaining spirited and active, both in our individual and social lives, as Islam teaches us to be? Answer: Islam leaves no place for stagnancy or complacency in its worldview. From human to soil, and from things in existence to time

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Heedlessness and Familiarity

Not Giving in to Heedlessness and Familiarity in Our Supplications Question: What are your recommendations for breaking the dullness wrought by familiarity in our supplications to God? Answer: It is very important for a person to raise their hands in supplication with a consciousness

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North East Islamic Community Center in collaboration with Boston Dialogue Foundation organized a Seerah Fair. In the Islamic terminology, Seerah means the study of the life of Prophet Muhammed`s (PBUH). In that context, Seerah Fair involved children preparing projects depicting an imp

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For The Conquest And Dominion Of The Hearts

Over the last few centuries mankind have suffered hardships after hardships, travelling around pits of ‘death’. Their struggles for deliverance and relief have all resulted in new calamities. During this dark period, rather than the established governments formally in power, it is the

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Effective Use Of Time

Human beings own, use and lose many things such as money, power and knowledge. But we can earn money again after losing it, lose and then regain power, forget some information and then re-learn it. Time is different. It has the unique characteristic that we are given each portion of i

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DECLINE AND FALL:The loss of spiritual energy

We used to have a magnificent civilization founded on faith, resolution, altruism and valour. The dark world of Europe’s Middle Ages was illumined and revitalized by the learning, faith, compassion and love with which our ancestors inspired it. The era of illumination which began with

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Understanding of Mujaddin in our time

Q: What should be the understanding of “Mujaddid” in our time? Does it refer to a single individual only, or does it rather signify a collective personality (shakhs al-manawi)? A: There is no Mujaddid (renewer) presently. All of them have passed on having completed their mission. Toda

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