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Being Shaped by Ramadan

At this time when we experience occasions, of much sorrow and some contentment, we sense the promise in the advent of Ramadan, the month of mercy and forgiveness. In the climate of this month of light, we feel both spring and autumn at the same time in our inner worlds, seasons of lov

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Believers as They Stand Before God

The believer is one who believes and trusts, one with prospects for a secure future who is trustworthy to others. S/he is a monumental figure marked by a special distinction imbued with contrasting colors, one within the other. Throughout their lives, believers bind all their actions

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Question: It is stated that those who cannot shoulder the responsibility and cannot have merit and capacity required by serving faith deserve to be excluded from this circle, in terms of the Divine Custom (the way of God’s treatment). Will you elucidate the necessary qualities to have

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An Ideal Society

Groups formed by disorganized and sinful (disobedient) individuals are merely crowds with no esthetic values, people far from the thought of doing good. On the other hand, ideal or complete people carry the qualities of angels, and are monuments of human foresight and comprehension. W

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Khawf and Khashya (Fear and Reverence)

In Sufism, khawf (fear) denotes abstaining not only from all that is forbidden, but also from deeds from which it is advisable to refrain. It also signifies, as the opposite of hope or expectation, that a traveler on the path to Truth does not feel secure against deviation and thereby

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Two Assurances and Two Fears

Question: It is narrated in a Prophetic saying that God said the following: “I will not give my servant two fears or two assurances at the same time.” Many of us live in comfortable and luxurious conditions, so what will our situation be in light of this saying? “Fea

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Action in the Service of God and Community

Question: What is the secret of being a person of constant action in the service of God in accordance with the conditions of today? What are the possible means of keeping this spirit consistent? We can consider being actively involved in the service of God in relation to such motivati

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Action And Thought

The line of struggle followed by the righteous people to whom God promised the future of the world may be summed up in two words: action and thought. In fact, the way to true existence is action and t hought, and likewise the way to renewal, individual and collective. It may even be s

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The Horizon Of Hope

With strong conviction and high hope, poised to move forward; with firm resolve, our will ready as a taut bow-string is ready in sweet imagination of paradise-like scenes of tomorrow, whose beauty we experience in spirit-we speak of the future once more, alert to its being near. It is

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