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Raja (Hope or Expectation)

For a Sufi, Raja means waiting for that which he or she wholeheartedly desires to come into existence, acceptance of good deeds, and forgiveness of sins. Hope or expectation, both based on the fact that the individual is solely responsible for his or her errors and sins and that all g

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Days of Depression and Our Atlas of Hope

Today, almost everybody speaks about “material welfare and comfort,” without seeing any values other than these, or rather without wanting to see them. Humanity has come up with many beautiful things, and has made great inventions up to now. In a way, it is thanks to these

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The Tabi’un

In many of the places where the Qur’an praises the Companions, it also mentions the blessed generations following in their way. For example: The Outstrippers (the first to embrace Islam and excel others in virtue), the first of the Emigrants and the Helpers, and those who follow

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Good Nature (Khuluq)

Good nature, in addition to meaning temperament, disposition, and character, is a goal to which a traveler aspires, for it is the most important dimension of creation. In brief, this station means that one is characterized (equipped) with God’s qualities or way of acting. For example,

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The Inner Dimension of Existence

The inner dimension of existence, for those who are open to it, is never a fantasy, a dream, an illusion or a delirium, but instead a phenomenon and an inner system. It seems feasible only through such an inner dimension that the satisfactory explanation of our existence, the secret o

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Time Management

Question: How should a person spend one day, one week, one month, and one year in order to perform services in the path of God? Management of time and work is one major area where many of us perform very poorly. Being hardworking and self-sacrificing is fine and believers should striv

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Humility (Tawadu)

Tawadu (modesty and humility) is the opposite of arrogance, pride, and haughtiness. It can also be interpreted as one’s awareness of one’s real position before God, and as letting that realization guide one’s conduct toward God and with people. If one sees oneself as

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Reflourishing Thoughts

In the course of history, the sequence of events periodically recurs-just like the day alternates with the night-over and over again but with just a little variation. I say it comes about “with just a little variation” as one aspect of the sequence of events happens compulsorily and f

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The Meaning of Wisdom

Question: “He grants Wisdom to whomever He wills, and whoever is granted Wisdom, had indeed been granted much good. Yet none except people of discernment reflect and are mindful” (2:269). What should we understand from the word “wisdom” in this verse? First of all, we should discuss t

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