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Futuwwa (Youth and Chivalry)

They were young men who had believed in their Lord, and We increased them in guidance. And We strengthened their hearts, when they rose up and declared: Our Lord is the Lord of the heavens and Earth; we will not call upon any god beside Him, or then we had spoken an outrage. Futuwwa,

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A Movement Originating Its Own Models

In this article I would like to discuss a legend; to talk about it is a duty, and therefore it is difficult to put it into words. However, I wonder if it is possible to describe in the scope of such an article an important resurrectional movement, a movement that has thrived in every

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Remembrance of The Prophet Muhammad

Residents of New York attended an event “New York is in remembrance of him” in remembrance of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).  More than 1,000 people attended this event which was organized by Turkish Cultural Center New York (TCCNY) and North East Islamic Community Center (N

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The Family Breakfast and Blood Drive

North East Islamic Community Center in collaboration with Boston Dialogue Foundation held a traditional monthly breakfast on January 14, 2015. This month’s breakfast event also coincided with a blood drive event organized in collaboration with Brigham and Women’s Hospital. The breakfa

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From chaos to order – II

The harmony between creation and natural phenomena is predestined; the order among men is voluntary or by free will and to a great extent has its origins in love and fear. Order is another name for peace, satisfaction, and societal harmony, as well as a promising future. As there is n

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From chaos to order – I

For several centuries, with respect to our understanding of morality, virtue, science, and knowledge, our society has had the appearance of a wreck. It has been searching for an alternative system of order and thought in education, art, and morality. In fact, we need genius minds with

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The Consciousness of Responsibility

The most deeply significant aspect of existence is action and effort. Inertia is dissolving, decomposition, and another name for death. Connecting or relating action to responsibility gives action its primary humane dimension. An action or effort which is not disciplined by responsibi

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The Devout: The Architect of Our Souls

Although some people today disdain moral values, the inner depths of the human being, and the importance of the life of the heart and spirit, there is no doubt that the route to true humanity passes through them. No matter what some people may think, the successful application of thes

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The World Awaited

When we ponder great historical events we can see that thought and action live within one another, that they are interlaced in togetherness; action is, on the one side, planned and fed by thought, while on the other side, new efforts and ventures build the grounds or foundations for n

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