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Happiness and virtue: A prophetic example

To some, happiness may be physical love and intimacy; to Caesar, it was fame and glory; to Pharaoh, it was protecting his might and position; to Korah, it was possessing masses and masses of fortune and treasure. None of these, however, is either real happiness or a means to happiness

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The urge for freedom is innate in man. In his pursuit or expression of it, man has the option to discover himself as a responsible being with free will, that is, as a being whose freedom is the means to the end of his being responsible. But, as often as not, he has taken the other opt

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How to Perform the Congregational Prayers

Those who comply with the imam for the congregational prayer must make the intention for both the prayer and compliance with the imam. After the imam pronounces the opening takbîr, the congregation also performs the takbîr, and then recites Subhânaka. According to the Hanafis, the con

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What are the tasbihâtus-salâh (glorifications recited after the prayer)? Various tasbihât (words of glorification repeated in a set number of times) and du‘as (prayers and supplications) are recited after worship as a supplement of prayer and in remembrance of God. The Prophet recited

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Differences between Muslims

Why are there differences between Muslims? Q: You say that Islam is a religion of unity, but we see differences – sometimes major differences – even among the Companions. Why is this so? A: In classical Islamic terminology, pluralism means to perceive details in different

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Balance and moderation

Question: In almost every area of life today, serious deviations of thought are seen and extremism is credited. What are the points to be careful about for those who wish to avoid extremism? Answer: Being balanced and maintaining moderation is very important for being able to practice

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What does the Qur’an say about Jihad

What does the Qur’an say about Jihad and how did the Prophet implement it? Q:In light of recent events, the media is constantly talking about jihad. However, sometimes they do not define this term. Can you please tell us what the Qur’an says about jihad, and how the Prophe

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Status of Dhimmis

The Status of Dhimmis in the Ottoman Empire The Ottoman Empire recognized three groups of non-Muslim minorities: ahl al-kitab (People of the Book), ahl al-dhimma (protected minorities), and non-Muslims. They are not forced to follow Islamic law, have considerable freedom of choice, an

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Overview of Islam

A Brief Overview of Islam The word ‘Islam’ literally stems from the root ‘s-l-m’ and the words ‘silm’ and ‘salamah’ which mean peace, and which indicate the ‘submission’ or ‘surrender’ of oneself to God Almighty,

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