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Child Training

Appropriate Messages in Child Training An old Chinese proverb says that: “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach him to fish and you feed him for the rest of his life.” This proverb points out the importance of education. There is perhaps no other subject that has greater

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Kindness to Parents

A Nursi Reader – Be Kind to Your Parents In this series of articles, A Nursi Reader, the aim is to present the thoughts of the famous Islamic scholar Bediuzzaman Said Nursi (1877-1960) on a variety of topics, using his own writings. As a prolific writer, Nursi has written on num

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Rights of Parents

The Rights of Parents 1. The father and mother are two sacred beings that must be respected above everyone else. If you do not respect your parents, you are disobeying God Almighty. Those who treat their parents badly eventually are treated badly by others. 2. From the very moment of

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Terror and Islam

Muslims should say, “In true Islam, terror does not exist” Today, at best we can say that Islam is not known at all. Muslims should say, “In true Islam, terror does not exist.” In Islam, killing a human is an act that is equal in gravity to unbelief. No person can kill a human being.

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(Dis) Honor Killings

(Dis) Honor Killings: How Islam Can Help Prevent Them It has been claimed that many crimes against women are carried out in the name of Islam, and that the religion condones the poor treatment of women. For the purpose of this essay, “honor killings” will be examined from

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  NEICC ADULT CLASSES Learning doesn’t have an age limit, you can learn something in every age.It’s hard to find a place to get the right information. You can also imagine that these practices made for adults in a facility where there is very little that is of utmost importance.

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Why did Prophet Muhammad practice polygamy?

POLYGAMY Q: In this time of sexual permissiveness and sexual scandals within certain religious and social circles, some people are claiming that polygamy is a social evil. Why, they ask, did Prophet Muhammad practice it? A: Some critics of Islam have reviled the Prophet as a self-indu

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At What Age Did Aisha Marry the Prophet?

When covering the life of Prophet Muhammad, one of the most debatable topics is that of the age of his wife Aisha when the two married. Her alleged very young age has been used in smear campaigns against the Prophet. Reports that Aisha bint Abi Bakr was 6 or 7 years old when she becam

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Paragon of Unity: Abrahamic Messages

Paragon of Unity: Discovering The Essence of the Abrahamic Messages When I first heard a politician say, “We can rule from beyond the grave,” I didn’t respond very positively. “What does that mean?” I exclaimed in confusion. However, as it dawned on me that he was actually referring t

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