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Financial and Physical Ways of Worship

Question: What would you say about financial forms of worship? Are there any conditions and guidelines for well-off believers regarding donations and charity? Worship is essentially categorized into two sections: worship through financial/material means and physical/bodily worship. Th

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Jadhba and Injidhab

Jadhba and Injidhab (Attraction and the Feeling of Being Attracted toward God) In the language of Sufism, jadhba (attraction) means that a servant is attracted toward God by God Himself, purified thereby of human imperfection in spiritual elevation, and equipped with Divine qualities

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Prayer and Supplication

The Power in Prayer and Supplication When the clean black shroud of night enfolds our entire existence, certain darkened souls feel lonely and detached from everything. Yet in the darkest moments, in the remotest corners, and even in the quietest deserts, “He” is always wi

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North East Islamic Community Center in collaboration with Boston Dialogue Foundation organized a Graduation Party for Weekend School`s Students the end of Spring term on the fifteenth of December 2014.Their teachers gave them Spring term certificate and All students had sing songs tog

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Dahsha and Hayra

Dahsha and Hayra (Utter Astonishment and Amazement) Every traveler journeying in the valleys of love and zeal sometimes burns with the fire of love, and sometimes overflows with joy owing to the “wine of immortality” offered by the Beloved. While burning, the lover sighs:

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Laborers of Thought, Building the Future

Those who will shape tomorrow with their ideas will be the guides of generations to come. The way they think and reason will redesign the world, and their messages will brighten the future. They will not act like inheritors who have bequeathed a legacy without any effort or suffering

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Qabd and Bast

Qabd and Bast (Contraction and Openness) Qabd (contraction) and bast (openness), emotions felt by almost everyone during their lives, relate especially to those who live their lives consciously. Literally meaning being caught, being in straits or distressed and being grasped by the ha

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Faith, Wisdom and Power

Question: What roles do faith, wisdom, and power play in the survival of a society? Faith, especially in the form of religion, refers to a heavenly-inspired system that leads people to goodness, but on the condition that they believe wilfully. Religion is a divine system or a corpus c

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Faqr and Ghina (Poverty and Richness)

Faqr and Ghina (Poverty and Richness) For Sufis, poverty means that an initiate claims possession of nothing and is freed from all kinds of attachment toward worldly things, and that one feels total neediness and destitution before God in one’s relationship with Him, which is ba

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