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Daily Prayers in Islam

Every believer is responsible for learning the basic religious knowledge that is needed in their everyday life. Furthermore, everyone bears the responsibility of instucting their children in this knowledge as well. This book has been prepared with both these needs taken into account;

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The Young Person’s Guide to Living Islam

This book is a form of guidance for the youth of today, a guide for their everyday lives, as well as being a compilation of useful information that is related to the various forms of worship with informative explanations given in an understandable manner. It has been prepared with col

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Noah’s Pudding Service in Thanksgiving As autumn quickly turns into winter and dinner tables are set with delicious turkey at home the North East Islamic Community Center of New York (NEICC) participated at the Huntington Interfaith Thanksgiving service.. Many people of different fait

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Living in the Shade of Islam

Ali Unal – A Comprehensive Reference of Theory and Practice. Refuting the numerous misconceptions about Islam, this guide reveals the underlying essence of the beliefs and rituals of the Islam faith.   http://www.antstores.com/Living_the_Ethics_p/lgt-eng-581.htm

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North East Islamic Community Center in collaboration with Boston Dialogue Foundation organized an event ( The Commemoration Day).Approximatly seventy people attended to this event and Foods and beverages were offered.All guests prayed to Allah(God) for the peace of the world.

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I Love My Prophet

I Love My Prophet will help your children to get to know our dear Prophet and feel his outstanding compassion.         Where to Buy

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Thank You God

A little child thanks God for the blessings He granted, mentioning various blessings ranging from toys to the school.         Where to Buy

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Interpretation In the Name of Allah, the All-Merciful, the All-Compassionate, Say: “He (He is) Allah, the Unique One of Absolute Oneness. Allah is the Eternally-Besought-of-All, He begets not, nor is He begotten. And comparable to Him there is none.”   Al-Ikhlas, which was one of

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Interpretation In the Name of Allah, the All-Merciful, the All-Compassionate, May both hands of Abu Lahab be ruined, and ruined are they! His wealth has not availed him, nor his gains. He will enter a flaming Fire to roast; 4-5. And his wife, carrier of firewood, Around her neck will

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