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The Prohibition of Pride and Arrogance

As for the abode of the Hereafter, We will assign it to those who do not seek arrogant power on earth nor cause corruption and disorder. The (truly desirable) outcome is for the Allah-revering, pious. (al-Qasas 28:83)   318. Abdullah ibn Mas’ud, may Allah be pleased with him, rep

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North East Islamic Community Center of New York organized the Eid of Ramadan Program. Brothers and their boys from Turkish Muslim community came together on Monday morning June 28th to celebrate Eid of Ramadan together. After a holy month of Ramadan people are excited and they came to

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North East Islamic Community Center in collaboration with Lehigh Dialogue Foundation organized the Eid of Ramadan prayer in Philadelphia.Turkish American Muslim Community came together at this event and prayed for Muslims around the world.All guests had breakfast together.

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North East Islamic Community Center in collaboration with Boston Dialogue Foundation organized the Eid of Ramadan prayer in Boston..Approximately three hundred Muslims attended to this  event.All guests  had breakfast together.

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Humility and Being Gentle with the Believers

O humankind! Surely We have created you from a single (pair of) male and female, and made you into tribes and families so that you may know one another (and so build mutuality and co-operative relationships, not so that you may take pride in your differences of race or social rank, or

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Scrupulousness and Abandoning Things That Are Doubtful

Just think how you welcomed it with your tongues from one another, and uttered with your mouths something about which you had no knowledge. You deemed it a trifle, whereas in Allah’s sight it was most grave. (an-Nur 24:15)   304. An-Nu’man ibn Bashir, may Allah be pleased with hi

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On Wishing for Death

303. Anas, may Allah be pleased with him, reported: “The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, ‘None of you should wish for death because of some harm which has befallen him. If he has got to do something, he should say, ‘O Allah, make live if life is best for me

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Remembering Death and Constraining Expectation

Every soul is bound to taste death. So (O people), you will but be repaid in full on the Day of Resurrection (for whatever you have done in the world). Whoever is spared the Fire and admitted into Paradise has indeed prospered and triumphed. (Know that) the present, worldly life is no

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The Excellence of the Grateful Wealthy Person

You will never be able to attain godliness and virtue until you spend of what you love (in Allah’s cause, or to provide sustenance for the needy). Whatever you spend, Allah has full knowledge of it. (Al Imran 3:92)   297. Abdullah ibn Mas’ud, may Allah be pleased with him, report

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