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The Signs of Allah’s Love for His Servant

Say (to them, O Messenger): “If you indeed love Allah, then follow me, so that Allah will love you and forgive you your sins. “ Allah is All-Forgiving, All-Compassionate. (Al Imran 3:31)   206. Abu Hurayra, may Allah be pleased with him, reported that the Messenger of Allah, peac

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North East Islamic Community Center in collaboration with Lehigh Dialogue Foundation organized the Holy Night of Qadr Program in Philadelphia.

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North East Islamic Community Center in collaboration with Boston Dialogue Foundation organized the Night of Qadr in Boston. Muslims celebrate the Night of Qadr, at night of the Ramadan 27th. The Event has started with Magrib Azan ( Calling to Prayer) then All guests had Iftar food. Be

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Nassau County Iftar Program with North East Islamic Community Center in New York

New York Nassau County Executive Edward P. Mangano gave an Iftar dinner for New York Muslim community. The iftar was at the Governor’s Office, located in Mineola NY.  Many community members including A large number of Muslims also attended. Turkish Cultural Center of Long Island

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The Excellence of Love for the Sake of Allah

201. Abu Hurayra, may Allah be pleased with him, reported that the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “There are seven whom Allah will shade with His shade on the day when there is no shade but His shade: a just imam (leader), a youth who grows up worshipping Allah, the M

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Respecting One’s Parents, Relatives, Scholars and the Virtuous People

Keep yourself patient, along with those who invoke their Lord morning and evening, seeking His “Face” (His eternal, good pleasure, and the meeting with Him in the Hereafter). (al-Kahf 18:28)   188. Abdullah ibn Amr, may Allah be pleased with him, said, “The Messenger of Allah, pe

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Dutifulness to Parents and Maintaining Ties of Kinship

Your Lord has decreed that you worship none but Him alone, and treat parents with the best of kindness. Should one of them, or both, attain old age in your lifetime, do not say “Ugh!” to them (as an indication of complaint or impatience), nor push them away; and always address them in

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The Right of the Neighbor and Treating Him Well

Worship Allah and do not associate anything as a partner with Him; and do good to your par-ents in the best way possible, and to the relatives, orphans, the destitute, the neighbor who is near (in kinship, location, faith), the neighbor who is distant (in kinship and faith), the compa

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The Obligation to Command One’s Family to Obey Allah, and to Teach Them Proper Behavior

Order your family and community to establish the Prayer, and be diligent in its observance. We do not ask you to provide for Us; rather, it is We Who provide for you (so, all your worship is for your own benefit), and the (desired) outcome is in favor of piety and righteousness. (Ta-H

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