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The Migration to Abyssinia

Five years had passed since the coming of the first revelation. It was the month of Rajab. The house of Ibn Arqam as a temporary sanctuary had met their needs to a certain degree, for there was now a place where believers could speak about issues concerning their faith in a peaceful e

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Second Hijra to Abyssinia

The troubles that the Muslims faced grew with each passing day and at last the noble Messenger said that the solution might be in migrating to Abyssinia once again. He had received news about how those who had gone before were treated and that is why the Messenger of Allah was encoura

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Jafar ibn Abi Talib Takes Word

Meanwhile Najashi had called his clergy near him and had made them lay basic texts of religion open before him. It was clear that he was going to compare the novelties that Islam was bringing in the name of religion with what his own understanding was, and then reach a conclusion. Tha

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Time for the Farewell

The day our Prophet delivered his Farewell Sermon, the third verse of Surah al-Maedah was also revealed. It read, “This day I have perfected for you your Religion (with all its rules, commandments and universality), completed My favor upon you, and have been pleased to assign for you

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The First and Last Pilgrimage

It was the ninth year of Emigration. The verse, “Pilgrimage to the House of Allah is a duty owed to Allah by all who can afford a way to it,” was revealed in the month of Dhu al-Qadah. Through this verse Hajj, or pilgrimage, had become an obligatory act of worship. When they reached t

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A Center of Trust and Security

After a long separation, the Messenger of Allah was back in Medina once again. It was the beginning of a brand-new period in Medina. People travelled to Medina in groups, coming to visit our Prophet, accepting the religion of Islam and becoming honored with the blessing of faith. Medi

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The Conquest of Hearts

It was the 13th of the month of Ramadan and had fallen on a Friday. The army of Islam took off from Marr ad-Dhahran towards Mecca. Our Prophet absolutely did not want any blood to be shed. The only permission to fight was towards those who resisted them. And so, the great conquest had

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The Covenant is Broken

It was the month of Shaban, in the eighth year after the Emigration. Twenty-two months had passed since the ordering of the Peace Treaty of Hudaybiya. One day, right after the Morning Prayer, some upsetting news from Mecca reached our Prophet. The Qurayshi had organized a midnight rai

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The Joy of Umra a Year Later

It was the seventh year after the Emigration. The time had come for the believers to perform the umra, which they had not been able to the previous year. Our beloved Prophet instructed his Companions to start preparing for the umra. Very soon, the dream that the Messenger of Allah had

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