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The Year of Sadness

Although this period of inhumane treatment and the boycott had ended, there was still more sadness to be experienced. Maybe Allah the Almighty was turning His beloved servants’ eyes completely towards the Hereafter, directing their attention to their real “homeland” with various troub

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Ashab as-Suffa (The People of the Chamber)

The religion of Islam was now being taught to believers of all ages in the mosque of our Prophet. The Messenger of Allah would give daily lessons on the essentials of their religion to his Companions. Plus, there were about seventy young Muslims of limited means who lived in the court

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Farewell to Khadija

Only three days had passed since the death of Abu Talib. The Messenger of Allah had tried very hard for him to leave a sign, an address, as he left this world but he did not hear words to that effect from the lips of his uncle. The Quraysh who considered Abu Talib’s absence as an oppo

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Al-Masjid an-Nabawi (The Prophet’s Mosque)

Because there was no masjid, or mosque, in Medina, in the beginning, congregational Prayer was performed in whichever place our Prophet happened to be. Now, there was a need for a masjid, a place in which the believers would gather, share verses from the Qur’an, perform Prayers, liste

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Journey to Taif

Despite the extraordinary efforts of the Messenger of Allah and his Companions, nothing seemed to be progressing in Mecca and the Meccans had closed their doors to new openings. Tabligh, on the other hand was a duty to communicate, one that had to be carried out continuously to people

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The Ansar and the Muhajirun (The Helpers and the Migrants)

It had been five months since our Prophet had arrived in Medina. The Messenger of Allah organized a meeting in which the leaders of all the families from Mecca and Medina came together. In this meeting, he encouraged the Ansar to accept a sincere agreement in order to make life easier

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Mecca Again

Although Taif had not given the expected result, with Addas and the jinn entering Islam, the heart of the Messenger of Allah was somewhat subdued, and he set off for Mecca again. When the road had approached Mecca, he decided to go to the mountain of Nur like back in the days and then

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The Most Beautiful Day

The blessed group had continued on with their journey and had finally reached the village of Quba, a little south of Medina. The Messenger of Allah decided to stay in the village of Quba for a couple of days with his group. They built a small mosque there right away. The Messenger of

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Isra and Miraj

10 years had passed since the meeting in Hira. The calendars were showing the 24th day in the month of Rajab. There had been many efforts during this time, but Mecca had resisted in unimaginable ways. There had only been a handful of people who accepted the call to faith. However, whe

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