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Aqaba Allegiances

Now was not the time to stop. The Messenger of Allah had turned his face away from Mecca once again and was contemplating new openings in other lands. Twelve years had passed since the meeting in Hira. It was the pilgrimage season once again. He was expecting news from the six Ansar f

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Farewell to Mecca

Thanks to the last Aqaba allegiance, Medina had become a safe haven for the Muslims. As a result of the tyranny and oppression of the non-believers, the Muslims were no longer able to sustain living in Mecca. Upon this, Allah the Almighty granted the believers permission to emigrate t

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The Invitation from Medina

It was the pilgrimage season once again, and as ritually expected, there was a flow of people towards Mecca. There were also Muslims from Medina among those who were coming to the Ka’ba for the pilgrimage. These were seventy five people, including two women. They came to Mecca after a

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The Permission for Hijra

Meanwhile, the Truthful Gabriel had come and brought the permission for hijra. This meant that the oppression and violence in Mecca would end and he would continue his life in a healthier environment. The Companions would start one by one to set on the road and they would leave Mecca

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North East Islamic Community Center organizes many programs especially weekend schools.Our Teachers are teaching kids to introduction to Holy Quran, Ethics and Moral values.

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A person’s or a thing’s pleasure, good and beauty are judged according to those who receive and manifest them, not according to their opposites. For example, generosity is a beautiful and praiseworthy virtue. Generous people receive far greater pleasure from the happiness

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Wahy and Ilham (Revelation and Inspiration)

Revelation and inspiration are two subjects that have been much discussed in Islamic religious sciences,as they are each an important dimension of effusion and manifestation.  Telling someone about something, suggestion or gesture, sending a messenger, speaking to someone so privately

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North East Islamic Community Center of Rochester organized “The Path of The Prophet” event. The Turkish community of the greater Rochester area gathered together for a special night for “The Path of The Prophet” event. A highlight of the night was the performan

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North East Islamic Community Center in collaboration with Boston Dialogue Foundation organized “The Path of The Prophet” at Cambridge Rindge and Latin School on January 23,2014. About five hundred guests composed of Turkish, Ahiskan and Azeri origins attended the event. Th

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