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The Companions

The Companions constitute the first pure and blessed channel through which the Qur’an and the Sunna were transmitted to later generations. God is the All-Trustworthy and Inspirer of Trust. The Qur’an describes Archangel Gabriel as trustworthy and as one, obeyed and having

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Factors in the Greatness of the Companions

Relation to Messengership. Prophethood is greater than sainthood, and Messengership is greater than Prophethood. Every Prophet is a saint, but no saint is a Prophet. Although every Messenger is a Prophet, not every Prophet is simultaneously a Messenger. Prophet Muhammad is the last an

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The Tabi’un

In many of the places where the Qur’an praises the Companions, it also mentions the blessed generations following in their way. For example: The Outstrippers (the first to embrace Islam and excel others in virtue), the first of the Emigrants and the Helpers, and those who follow

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The Ethos Created by the Messenger

It is difficult for us to understand Prophet Muhammad fully. As we tend to compartmentalize the universe, life, and humanity itself, we have no unitary vision. However, Prophet Muhammad perfectly combined a philosopher’s intellect, a commander valor, a scientist’s genius,

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His Modesty

In society, each person has a window—status—through which he or she looks out to see others and be seen. If the window is built higher than their real stature, people try to make themselves appear taller through vanity and assumed airs. If the window is set lower than their real statu

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His Generosity

The Messenger is the most polished mirror in which God’s Names and Attributes are reflected to the highest degree. As the perfect manifestation of these Names and Attributes, an embodiment of the Qur’an and Islam, he is the greatest and most decisive and comprehensive proo

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His Mildness and Forbearance

Mildness is another dimension of his character. He was a bright mirror in which God reflected His Mercy. Mildness is a reflection of compassion. God made His Messenger mild and gentle, thereby allowing him to gain many converts to Islam and overcome numerous obstacles. After the victo

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The Prophet of Universal Mercy

The beginning of existence was an act of mercy and compassion without which the universe would be in chaos. Everything came into existence through compassion, and by compassion it continues to exist in harmony.   Muslim sages say that the universe is the All-Compassionate OneR

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His Prayers and Supplications

The Messenger always prayed to God before any action. When we look through the books of Tradition (Hadith), we find no case in which he did not pray. As mentioned earlier, prayer is a mystery of servanthood to God, and the Messenger is the foremost in servanthood. This is made clear w

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