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His Appointment of Competent People

The Messenger appointed promising and competent Muslims to the work they could do best. He felt no need to change any appointment, for the person proved, through personal uprightness and competence, that he or she was the proper choice.   The Makkan period of Islam was inscribed

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He Knew His People

The Messenger knew his people more than they knew themselves. Like Abu Dharr, ‘Amr ibn ‘Abatha was a bedouin. He came to Makka and, meeting the Messenger, asked rudely: “What are you?” The Messenger replied very gently: “A Prophet of God.” Such gent

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His Wisdom

Leaders gain the love and trust of their people and are followed by them in proportion to their ability to solve their problems. These can be personal or public, or related to individual’s private life, or the community’s social, economic, and political affairs.   Som

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Merging Two Different Communities

The emigration to Madina marks a turning point for Prophet Muhammad and for Islam. Belief, emigration, and holy struggle are three pillars of a single, sacred truth; three spouts of a fountain from which the water of life flows for the soldiers of truth. After drinking, they convey th

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The Messenger’s wisdom was demonstrated when he consulted his Companions. This practice is so important in Islam that he never reached a decision, especially in public affairs, without it. Sometimes he even held counsel about his personal affairs. To cite only a few examples: &n

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A Manifest Victory: The Treaty of Hudaybiya

The Messenger was a man of action. He never hesitated about putting his plans or decisions into action, for that would confuse and demoralize his followers. The Messenger always acted with deliberation and consulted others. But once he had decided or planned something, he carried it o

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Ending Racism

Racism is one of our age’s severest problems. Everyone has heard of how black Africans were transported across the Atlantic Ocean in specially designed ships, thought of and treated exactly like livestock. They were enslaved, forced to change their names and religion and languag

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The Last Word on His Leadership

Prophet Muhammad had all the necessary leadership qualities for success in every aspect of life. But, more importantly, he was able to lead his community to success in every field. He is the source from which flowed all later developments related to command, statecraft, religion, spir

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Islam is the religion chosen by Allah for humanity’s individual and collective welfare in this world and the next. It is based  on  belief  in  and  worship  of  Allah,  and  does  not countenance associating any partners with Him, whether in the form of something created, a person, o

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