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To Illuminate Humanity’s Way

Today, our greatest problem is that many people do not recognize Prophet Muhammad, and that others neglect or refuse to follow his way. God sent Muhammad, as He sent all previous Prophets, to illuminate our way: God was gracious to the believers when He raised up among them a Messenge

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To Guide People to the Service of God

God declared in the Qur’an: I have not created jinn and humanity except to serve me (51:56). We were not created only to eat, drink, and reproduce; these are natural facts of our life and natural needs. Our main purpose is to recognize and serve God. All Prophets were sent to sh

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To Teach People God’s Laws

Another purpose for sending Prophets is to reveal Divine Commandments (i.e., the five daily prayers, fasting Ramadan, paying zakat, and not indulging in any illicit sexual relations, alcohol, and gambling). This function is called Messengership. According to the Qur’an: They del

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The Prophets Were Examples

Prophets were sent to serve as examples who must be followed consciously. After mentioning the Prophets in Surat al-An’am, God told His last Messenger: Those are they whom God has guided, so follow their guidance (6:90). In particular, we are told to follow Muhammad’s exam

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To Establish Balance

At a time when some people lived in monasteries and others drowned in luxury, Prophet Muhammad came with the Qur’anic instruction: Seek, amidst that which God has given you, the Last Abode, and do not forget your portion of the present world (28:77). All Prophets, peace be upon

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To Be God’s Witnesses

Prophets also were sent so that people cannot plead ignorance in the Hereafter. Regarding this, the Qur’an says: Messengers bearing good tidings and warning, so that humanity might have no argument against God (4:165). Humanity, who has followed many so-called guides or leaders

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Hannah, the grandmother of Jesus , The mother of Mary, The wife of Aaron, The mother-in-law of Zachariah, The daughter of Fazuka, On realizing that she was pregnant, Prayed to God in utmost sincerity: “O my Lord! I do dedicate to You What is in my womb for Your special service, Free f

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Religious Education of the Child

Religious Education Of The Child This booklet includes two chapters, written by Fethullah Gülen, known for his services to education and islam, in this work, topics such as acquainting children with mosques at an early age, answering any tingering questions in a child’s mind fro

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The Virtues of the Holy Qur’an

l Love The Holy Qur’an In this work, after providing introductory information concerning the Qur’an, topics, such as the Qur’an and our homes, the relation between Ramadan and the Qur’an, and the virtue of Qur’anic lessons are discussed. Besides the impor

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