Every period of human history characterized by associating partners with God, whether by worshipping idols, deifying individuals, or attributing creativity to nature and material causes, is wholly dark. When belief in God’s Unity is removed from people’s hearts, their mind
Prophet Muhammad was brought up in God’s sight and care. His father ‘Abd Allah died before he was born, which meant that he had to put all his trust in God and submit completely to Him. He visited his father’s tomb in Madina years later, cried his heart out, and on h
A Companion once asked God’s Messenger to talk about himself. The Messenger remarked: “I am the one for whose coming Abraham prayed and of whom Jesus gave glad tidings.” [1] This alludes to the following Qur’anic verses: (Abraham prayed): “Our Lord, raise
More emphatically and frequently than any other Prophet, Prophet Jesus gave good tidings of Muhammad. In the Gospel of John, Jesus promises his arrival using several names: But I tell you the truth: It is for your good that I am going away. Unless I go away, the Paraklit will not come
Owing to the numerous predictions of his coming, eve-ryone was waiting for Prophet Muhammad. In that dark era of human history, humanity was waiting for one who would destroy unbelief and breathe new life into the world. Judaism and Christianity, being God-revealed religions in origin