Islam and Being Human in the True Sense Question: You have stated that, “Islam, the All-Mighty Creator’s greatest and universal gift to all, can be actualized through being human in the true sense; the human is the spiritual index of all creation, by that which is made from the intell
Continue Reading →Mahabba (Love) Mahabba means fondness, tender and kind feelings, preference, and love. Love that affects and invades one’s feelings is called passion; love that is so deep and irresistible that it burns for union is called fervor and enthusiasm. Sufis have defined love as the relation
Continue Reading →Literally meaning calmness, silence, steadiness, solemnity, familiarity, the subsidence of the waves and tranquility, sakina (serenity) is the opposite of flightiness, restlessness, wavering or indecision. In the language of Sufism, serenity means that a heart gradually comes to rest
Continue Reading →Beauty elevates our hearts, awakens our souls with sweet excitement and appreciation, and then becomes the esthetic of our inner self. This hard-to-describe phenomenon, this sense that is present in our most joyous moments, is beauty. Even though this definition might seem too narrow,
Continue Reading →ABUSE OF RELIGION AND RELIGIOUS SENTIMENTS The quest for truth has two principal branches which, if the quest is motivated by sincere love of the truth sought, are radically joined – that is, they have fundamentally the same root and goal even though the branches diverge. The tw
Continue Reading →On nature or refuting naturalistic atheism A reminder The way of disbelieving naturalists is extremely irrational and based on superstitious beliefs. But why are such famous, intelligent naturalist philosophers able to accept such an obviously superstitious way of thought? The fact
Continue Reading →Ever wondered where we stand in the universe? What is behind all this sparklingly beautiful sky in the night or bright light blue skyline in the day, or beyond beautiful clouds? Then, take a short journey at the speed of light through this dazzling, known universe, and still wonder wh
Continue Reading →Man is a being shaped in mind and spirit and in character in accordance with the view of things and the world that he has acquired after years of thinking and consideration. Thought intention and ambition are of the same importance in the development of a man’s potentialities as the e
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