Different groups or individuals who do good work in their own way are sometimes critical of others for using different methods. What would you say about being critical of others on one hand and feeling satisfied with the correctness of their own method on the other? One will be held r
Continue Reading →Beauty elevates our hearts, awakens our souls with sweet excitement and appreciation, and then becomes the esthetic of our inner self. This hard-to-describe phenomenon, this sense that is present in our most joyous moments, is beauty. Even though this definition might seem too narrow,
Continue Reading →A Muslim perspective on the ethical dimension of life in relation to its beginnings and end Introduction This article discusses certain topics relating to the sacred nature of life as viewed from a Muslim perspective. Among these, abortion and euthanasia, which have been made subjects
Continue Reading →Question: What are the good things that faith promises us? Is it possible to talk about differing degrees of feeling these beauties in one’s heart? Answer: So far, much has been said about the beauties that faith promises in both worlds and the many ways to deliverance. Particularly,
Continue Reading →People have always dreamed of attaining peace of mind since the day the first foot was set on the Earth; people have longed for peace of mind, pursuing and struggling in a multitude of ways to obtain it. Sometimes people have connected tranquility to working hard and earning financial
Continue Reading →The relationship between good and evil has always intrigued people, and it is one of the central principles upon which religious doctrine and belief systems are built. Religion plays a central role in shedding light onto these abstract concepts, and Islam is no exception. In fact, Isl
Continue Reading →The Resurrection and the Afterlife Why should I believe in the Resurrection and the Afterlife? Q: Why should I believe in the Resurrection and the Afterlife? A: After belief in God, this is the main way to secure a peaceful social order. If I don’t believe in personal accountabi
Continue Reading →There Are Some Seemingly Paradoxical Expression in the Qur’an. How Can We Reconcile Them? In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate. Alif Lam Ra. A Book whose verses were established and set clear, and then distinguished, from One All-Wise, All-Aware. (11:1) In order t
Continue Reading →People with no inner spiritual life sometimes ask: If God created everything, who created God? The Prophet said that some people would ask this very question: “A day will certainly come when some people will sit with their legs crossed and ask: ‘If God created everything,
Continue Reading →God is absolutely other than His creation, for the Creator cannot have the same kind of being as His creation. Although this is self-evident, some people still ask why we cannot see God directly. Direct vision is very limited. Consider the following: A tooth contains innumerable bacte
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