Iftar Gathering with the Members of the communities in The Grater Rochester Area – Time to Share the bread and Care Others

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Islamic Study Group Initiate to Build a Bridges with the other organizations in the community. With the colabration of North East Islamic Community Center Islamic Study and Turkish Cultural Center offered Iftar (Fast Breaking Dinner) with youths and community and religious group members.  The coordinators Mr. Zizsis and Mrs. Bayram of the Islamic study class explained the mission of routine gathering as follow, “With this study group, we strive to bring knowledge and knowledge seeking to the forefront. We want to help each other to better understand Islam and our practice of Islam. We seek knowledge and learn through the Quran, the Books of Hadith, Seraah and Scholars. Our aims to put Islam in our life of practice and how we can be contributing members within our community for both Muslims and non-Muslims. As a Muslim we like to put into practice to be the bridging members that unites a large network businesses, charities, people and masjids with in the greater Rochester area.”

Ms. Sharma gave her thoughts about how Ramadan is uplifting spiritually and socially with in the community.  Iftar is not just keeping stomach full it is rather have connection with spiritually as well as getting closer to Allah swt by helping others in needed and to be a role model other fellows of the community.