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Some people have an innate ability to go into a trance and contact beings from the invisible realms of existence. However, it should not be forgotten that whether these are angels or jinn, invisible beings have their own conditions of life and are bound to certain limits and principles. For this reason, one who gets in touch with jinn should be careful, for one may easily fall under their influence and become their plaything.

Sins and uncleanliness invite the influence of evil spirits and unbelieving jinn. People of a susceptible nature, those who tend to be melancholy, and those who lead a dissipated and undisciplined life are their primary targets. Evil spirits usually reside in places for dumping garbage or other dirty places, public baths, bathrooms, and nests of vermin.7

Jinn can penetrate a body even deeper than X-rays. They can reach into a being’s veins and the central points of the brain. They seem to be like lasers, which are used in everything from computers to nuclear weaponry, from medicine to communication and police investigations, and removing obstructions in our veins and arteries. So, when we consider that Satan and all jinn are created from a smokeless fire that penetrates deep into the body, like radiation or radioactive energy, we can understand the meaning of the Prophetic Tradition: “ Satan moves where the blood moves.”8

Although science does not yet accept the existence of invisible beings and restricts itself to the material world, we think it is worth considering the possibility that evil spirits play some part in such mental illnesses as schizophrenia. We constantly hear of cases that those who suffer from mental illness, epilepsy, or even cancer recover by reciting certain prayers. Such cases are serious and significant, and should not be denied or dismissed by attributing them to “suggestion” or “auto-suggestion.” When science breaks the thick shell in which it has confined itself and accepts the existence of the metaphysical realm and the influence of metaphysical forces, its practitioners will be able to remove many obstructions, make far greater advances, and make fewer mistakes.

The Qur’an states that God bestowed upon the House of Abraham the Scripture, Wisdom, and a mighty kingdom (4:54). This mighty kingdom manifested itself most brilliantly through the Prophets David and Solomon, upon them be peace. Prophet Solomon ruled not only a part of humanity, but also jinn and devils, birds and winds: God subdued unto him devils, some of whom dove for pearls and did other work (21:82). Solomon had armies of jinn and birds, and he employed jinn in many jobs: They made for him what he willed: synagogues, fortresses, basins like wells and boilers built into the ground (34:13); and: Wind was also subdued to him; its morning course was a month’s journey and the evening course also a month’s journey (34:12).


Ünal, Ali. Living in the Shade of Islam. Somerset, NJ: Tughra, 2009.