Introduction to Islamic Faith – Level 1

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Introduction to Islamic Faith – Level 1
Textbook: Islamic Faith and Worship – M. Fettah Resuloglu >>> See Book <<<

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Date Duration Topics Material Multimedia Assessment Homework
Week 1
40 Mins
Religion is a necessity
The First Muslim Child
The Pleasure of Believing
Amentu (english Version)
IIF – 3-5

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 >Memorize Amentu (english version)
Week 2
40 Mins
He was sent to teach us the religion
Unity of God (Tawhid)
That was Gabriel
IIF – 6-13

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Memorize Amentu (turkish and arabic version)
Week 3
40 Mins
Believing in God is the first condition to becoming a muslim
Every piece of work requires a craftsman
Nothing can come into existence by coincidence
Our Cells do not exist by chance
More than anything else
IIF – 15-18

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Quiz: Review questions from previous classes
Homework:Reading the next week assigned pages from textbook
Week 4
40 Mins
The All Compassionate
Who do you think we are with?
I am as My Servant Thinks I am
Why did you set me free?
IIF – 19-21

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Quiz: Review questions from previous classes
Homework:Reading the next week assigned pages from textbook
Week 5
40 Mins
Stepping down from the pulpit
You are the one I need (yunus emre)
The candle of the state
IIF – 22-27

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Quiz: Review questions from previous classes
Homework:Reading the next week assigned pages from textbook
Week 6
40 Mins
The beatiful names of God Only for the sake of Allah
Three questions, Three Answers
The boat with no captain
Tell us about your Lord
IIF – 27-34

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Memorize the beatiful names of Allah along with their meanings (5 names at least)
Memorize the english translation of Surah al-ihlas – TPOF – Page 37
Week 7
40 Mins
God Created Angels out of Divine Light (Nur)
Why did God Create the Angels?
Spiritual Beings
IIF – 37-39
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Quiz: Review questions from previous classes
Homework:Reading the next week assigned pages from textbook
Week 8
40 Mins
Why don’t we see the Angels?
Attributes of Angels Physical and Character Traits
Angels are without gender
IIF – 41-45

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Quiz: Review questions from previous classes
Homework:Reading the next week assigned pages from textbook
Week 9
40 Mins
The Angels and their Duties
A Thousand Angels help them
Archangel of Revelation
The First Revelation
The sublime angel of Allah
IIF – 46-51

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Memorize the names of Four Archangels and their duties
Week 10
40 Mins
They will be angry
A servant Messenger of Allah
Israfil and the trumpet
Angels: Dutiful servants of Allah
IIF – 52-55

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Quiz: Review questions from previous classes
Homework:Reading the next week assigned pages from textbook
Week 11
40 Mins
When I looked up at the sky
Constant Cleaning On Fridays
Good Deeds and Bad Deeds
Angels of Heaven and Hell
The Recording Angels
The Angels of Questioning
The Roaming Angels
IIF – 56-63

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Memorize the names of the angles with their duties
Week 12
40 Mins
Angels in worship during the ascension(mirac)
Coinciding with the Angels
The First Funeral Prayer
The Battle of Badr
IIF – 65-71

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Quiz: Review questions from previous classes
Homework:Reading the next week assigned pages from textbook
Week 13
40 Mins
Divine Books are the books of God
The First Revelation
Belief in all divine scriptures
IIF – 75-77
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Quiz: Review questions from previous classes
Homework:Reading the next week assigned pages from textbook
Week 14
40 Mins
The Mountains and the birds
Among the sons of Ishmael
A messenger named Ahmad
What has changed
IIF – 78-80

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Quiz: Review questions from previous classes
Homework:Reading the next week assigned pages from textbook
Week 15
40 Mins
Quran: The greatest miracle of the Prophet (pbuh)
Tidings of two light
The means of salvation
Going back to the Beginnning
In the company of Angels
A third of the Quran
In fourteen Verses
IIF – 83-85

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Quiz: Review questions from previous classes
Homework:Reading the next week assigned pages from textbook
Week 16
40 Mins
The Most Righteous Among You
Re-Reading the Quran
The Cheerful, Industries Bee
Dying as a Martyr
Intercession of Qur’an
The entrustments of the Prophet (pbuh)
No Greater Sin
In one night
IIF – 86-93

unnamed (1)
Quiz: Review questions from previous classes
Homework:Reading the next week assigned pages from textbook
Week 17
40 Mins
Prophets are the messengers of God
Column of Light
Bringer of Good News and Warner
The Messenger and the Prophet
The greatest of Prophets
IIF – 99-102

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Quiz: Review questions from previous classes
Homework:Reading the next week assigned pages from textbook
Week 18
40 Mins
The Prophet Muhammad’s (pbuh) ascension (Miraj) and other Prophets
The Guest who spilled the meal
The end of the floods
IIF – 103-105

unnamed (1)
Quiz: Review questions from previous classes
Homework:Reading the next week assigned pages from textbook
Week 19
40 Mins
The flames that were transformed into a bed of roses
The prophet of Forging Iron
The fast of David
In the belly of the fish
 IIF – 107-109

unnamed (1)
Quiz: Review questions from previous classes
Homework:Reading the next week assigned pages from textbook
Week 20
40 Mins
The Blessed life of the last Prophet (pbuh)
IIF – 111

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Quiz: Review questions from previous classes
Homework:Reading the next week assigned pages from textbook
Week 21
40 Mins
Embodiment of radiance and excellence
A humble Servant
Those who deceive us are not of us
In thish world and the hereafter
The Prophet’s home life
Never before or after the prophet
IIF – 115-119

unnamed (1)
Quiz: Review questions from previous classes
Homework:Reading the next week assigned pages from textbook
Week 22
40 Mins
The Compass of the faithful
His companions loved him so much
IIF – 119-122

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Quiz: Review questions from previous classes
Homework:Reading the next week assigned pages from textbook
Week 23
40 Mins
The Hereafter is where we will live for good
The One that responds to every wish of human beings does not remain oblivious to our longing for eternity
IIF – 127-130
unnamed (1)
Quiz: Review questions from previous classes
Homework:Reading the next week assigned pages from textbook
Week 24
40 Mins
The other world
Three Things
The human adventure
The last breath
The eyes weep and heart grieves
An old sock
IIF – 131-135

unnamed (1)
Quiz: Review questions from previous classes
Homework:Reading the next week assigned pages from textbook
Week 25
40 Mins
The Will of death
Take my life now
The first to reunite
The child’s penitence
When a person dies
IIF – 136-139
unnamed (1)
Quiz: Review questions from previous classes
Homework:Reading the next week assigned pages from textbook
Week 26
40 Mins
Surat-ul Mulk
The dead exposed to their abode in the grave
After death
The rights of others
IIF – 140-141

unnamed (1)
Quiz: Review questions from previous classes
Homework:Reading the next week assigned pages from textbook
Week 27
40 Mins
Blasts of the trumpet
The supreme court
The account of five things If the account is complete
When a human dies
The book of deeds
The weight of the scales of justice
IIF – 142-147

unnamed (1)
Quiz: Review questions from previous classes
Homework:Reading the next week assigned pages from textbook
Week 28
40 Mins
The bridge over hell
Pioneering to cross the bridge
Advancing towards Paradise
The fact of the matter
The gates of paradise
Chambers, Mansions and Palaces Asking for Paradise
IIF – 148-152

unnamed (1)
Quiz: Review questions from previous classes
Homework:Reading the next week assigned pages from textbook
Week 29
40 Mins
God Creates everything based on a plan
God’s will and human freewill
Humans make choices, God creates those choices
The means of happiness
If Only
IIF – 157-161

unnamed (1)
Quiz: Review questions from previous classes
Homework:Reading the next week assigned pages from textbook
Week 30
40 Mins
Even the smallest task is within a plan
What is the connection between freewill and Divine Destiny?
Some important points about
Divine destiny
How do you know?
An Angel Is Appointed
IIF – 162-165

unnamed (1)
Quiz: Review questions from previous classes
Homework:Reading the next week assigned pages from textbook
Week 31
40 Mins
We cannot comprehend everything through intellect
The scorpion, the frog, and the snake
The angel of death’s (Azrail) gaze
Human willpower
I Take Refuge in His Decree
IIF – 166-170

unnamed (1)
Quiz: Review questions from previous classes
Homework:Reading the next week assigned pages from textbook
Week 32
40 Mins
To become a true believer
Divine Destiny
Hasan’s Letter
The fate of everything until the last day
IIF – 171-174

unnamed (1)
Quiz: Review questions from previous classes
Homework:Reading the next week assigned pages from textbook
Week 33
40 Mins
That which is ordained by Allah
The Sultan’s Gold
Seek a cure for the disease
More Beneficial
The call to righteousness
Allah’s Secret
They will conquer constantinople
IIF – 176-181

unnamed (1)
Quiz: Review questions from previous classes
Homework:Reading the next week assigned pages from textbook
Week 34
40 Mins
Throw yourself over the mountain
A letter to the people of Basra
They were recorded in the divine knowledge
The farmer and the brick-maker
Divine Wisdom and the providential recovery
IIF – 181-184

unnamed (1)
Quiz: Review questions from previous classes
Homework:Reading the next week assigned pages from textbook
Week 35
40 Mins
Then Place your trust in Allah
On What Do You Rely?
Only if you eat it
This Supplication is Sufficient
When He left home
To be granted one of three things
Supplication is prevention
The virtues of charity
IIF – 186-189

unnamed (1)
Quiz: Review questions from previous classes
Homework:Reading the next week assigned pages from textbook

Course: Level 1 – Introduction to Islamic Faith
Textbook: İslamic Faith and Worship – M. Fettah Resuloglu 
Week 1 Duration:40 Mins
Topics:Religion is a necessity The First Muslim Child The Pleasure of Believing Amentu (english Version)
Material: IIF – 3-5
Assessment Homework: Memorize Amentu (english version)
Week 2 Duration:40 Mins
Topics: He was sent to teach us the religion Unity of God (Tawhid) That was Gabriel
Material: IIF – 6-13
Assessment Homework: Memorize Amentu (turkish and arabic version)
Week 3 Duration:40 Mins
Topics:Believing in God is the first condition to becoming a muslim Every piece of work requires a craftsman Nothing can come into existence by coincidence Our Cells do not exist by chance More than anything else
Material: IIF – 15-18
Assessment Homework: Quiz: Review questions from previous classes Homework:Reading the next week assigned pages from textbook
Week 4 Duration:40 Mins
Topics: The All Compassionate Who do you think we are with? I am as My Servant Thinks I am Why did you set me free?
Material: IIF – 19-21
Assessment Homework: Quiz: Review questions from previous classes Homework:Reading the next week assigned pages from textbook
Week 5 Duration:40 Mins
Topics: Stepping down from the pulpit You are the one I need (yunus emre) The candle of the state
Material: IIF – 22-27
Assessment Homework: Quiz: Review questions from previous classes Homework:Reading the next week assigned pages from textbook
Week 6 Duration:40 Mins
Topics: The beatiful names of God Only for the sake of Allah Three questions, Three Answers The boat with no captain Tell us about your Lord
Material: IIF – 27-34
Assessment Homework: Memorize the beatiful names of Allah along with their meanings (5 names at least) Memorize the english translation of Surah al-ihlas
Week 7 Duration:40 Mins
Topics: God Created Angels out of Divine Light (Nur) Why did God Create the Angels? Spiritual Beings
Material: IIF – 37-39
Assessment Homework: Quiz: Review questions from previous classes Homework:Reading the next week assigned pages from textbook
Week 8 Duration:40 Mins
Topics: Why don’t we see the Angels? Attributes of Angels Physical and Character Traits Angels are without gender
Material: IIF – 41-45
Assessment Homework: Quiz: Review questions from previous classes Homework:Reading the next week assigned pages from textbook
Week 9 Duration:40 Mins
Topics: The Angels and their Duties A Thousand Angels help them Archangel of Revelation The First Revelation The sublime angel of Allah
Material: IIF – 46-51
Assessment Homework: Memorize the names of Four Archangels and their duties
Week 10 Duration:40 Mins
Topics: They will be angry A servant Messenger of Allah Israfil and the trumpet Angels: Dutiful servants of Allah
Material: IIF – 52-55
Assessment Homework: Quiz: Review questions from previous classes Homework:Reading the next week assigned pages from textbook
Week 11 Duration:40 Mins
Topics: When I looked up at the sky Constant Cleaning On Fridays Good Deeds and Bad Deeds Angels of Heaven and Hell The Recording Angels The Angels of Questioning The Roaming Angels
Material: IIF – 56-63
Assessment Homework: Memorize the names of the angles with their duties
Week 12 Duration:40 Mins
Topics: Angels in worship during the ascension(mirac) Coinciding with the Angels The First Funeral Prayer The Battle of Badr
Material: IIF – 65-71
Assessment Homework: Quiz: Review questions from previous classes Homework:Reading the next week assigned pages from textbook
Week 13 Duration:40 Mins
Topics: Divine Books are the books of God The First Revelation Belief in all divine scriptures
Material: IIF – 75-77
Assessment Homework: Quiz: Review questions from previous classes Homework:Reading the next week assigned pages from textbook
Week 14 Duration:40 Mins
Topics:The Mountains and the birds Among the sons of Ishmael A messenger named Ahmad What has changed
Material: IIF – 78-80
Assessment Homework: Quiz: Review questions from previous classes Homework:Reading the next week assigned pages from textbook
Week 15 Duration:40 Mins
Topics:Quran: The greatest miracle of the Prophet (pbuh) Tidings of two light The means of salvation Going back to the Beginnning In the company of Angels A third of the Quran In fourteen Verses
Material: IIF – 83-85
Assessment Homework: Quiz: Review questions from previous classes Homework:Reading the next week assigned pages from textbook
Week 16 Duration:40 Mins
Topics: The Most Righteous Among You Re-Reading the Quran The Cheerful, Industries Bee Envy Protection Dying as a Martyr Intercession of Qur’an The entrustments of the Prophet (pbuh) No Greater Sin In one night
Material: IIF – 86-93
Assessment Homework: Quiz: Review questions from previous classes Homework:Reading the next week assigned pages from textbook
Week 17 Duration:40 Mins
Topics: Prophets are the messengers of God Column of Light Bringer of Good News and Warner The Messenger and the Prophet The greatest of Prophets
Material: IIF – 99-102
Assessment Homework: Quiz: Review questions from previous classes Homework:Reading the next week assigned pages from textbook
Week 18 Duration:40 Mins
Topics: The Prophet Muhammad’s (pbuh) ascension (Miraj) and other Prophets The Guest who spilled the meal The end of the floods
Material: IIF – 103-105
Assessment Homework: Quiz: Review questions from previous classes Homework:Reading the next week assigned pages from textbook
Week 19 Duration:40 Mins
Topics: The flames that were transformed into a bed of roses The prophet of Forging Iron The fast of David In the belly of the fish
Material: IIF – 107-109
Assessment Homework: Quiz: Review questions from previous classes Homework:Reading the next week assigned pages from textbook
Week 20 Duration:40 Mins
Topics: The Blessed life of the last Prophet (pbuh)
Material: IIF – 111
Assessment Homework: Quiz: Review questions from previous classes Homework:Reading the next week assigned pages from textbook
Week 21 Duration:40 Mins
Topics: Embodiment of radiance and excellence A humble Servant Those who deceive us are not of us In thish world and the hereafter The Prophet’s home life Never before or after the prophet
Material: IIF – 115-119
Assessment Homework: Quiz: Review questions from previous classes Homework:Reading the next week assigned pages from textbook
Week 22 Duration:40 Mins
Topics: The Compass of the faithful His companions loved him so much
Material: IIF – 119-122
Assessment Homework: Quiz: Review questions from previous classes Homework:Reading the next week assigned pages from textbook
Week 23 Duration:40 Mins
Topics: The Hereafter is where we will live for good The One that responds to every wish of human beings does not remain oblivious to our longing for eternity
Material: IIF – 127-130
Assessment Homework: Quiz: Review questions from previous classes Homework:Reading the next week assigned pages from textbook
Week 24 Duration:40 Mins
Topics: The other world Three Things The human adventure The last breath The eyes weep and heart grieves An old sock
Material: IIF – 131-135
Assessment Homework: Quiz: Review questions from previous classes Homework:Reading the next week assigned pages from textbook
Week 25 Duration:40 Mins
Topics: The Will of death Take my life now The first to reunite The child’s penitence When a person dies
Material: IIF – 136-139
Assessment Homework: Quiz: Review questions from previous classes Homework:Reading the next week assigned pages from textbook
Week 26 Duration:40 Mins
Topics: Surat-ul Mulk The dead exposed to their abode in the grave After death The rights of others
Material: IIF – 140-141
Assessment Homework: Quiz: Review questions from previous classes Homework:Reading the next week assigned pages from textbook
Week 27 Duration:40 Mins
Topics: Blasts of the trumpet The supreme court The account of five things If the account is complete When a human dies The book of deeds The weight of the scales of justice
Material: IIF – 142-147
Assessment Homework: Quiz: Review questions from previous classes Homework:Reading the next week assigned pages from textbook
Week 28 Duration:40 Mins
Topics: The bridge over hell Pioneering to cross the bridge Advancing towards Paradise The fact of the matter The gates of paradise Chambers, Mansions and Palaces Asking for Paradise
Material: IIF – 148-152
Assessment Homework: Quiz: Review questions from previous classes Homework:Reading the next week assigned pages from textbook
Week 29 Duration:40 Mins
Topics: God Creates everything based on a plan God’s will and human freewill Humans make choices, God creates those choices The means of happiness If Only
Material: IIF – 157-161
Assessment Homework: Quiz: Review questions from previous classes Homework:Reading the next week assigned pages from textbook
Week 30 Duration:40 Mins
Topics: Even the smallest task is within a plan What is the connection between freewill and Divine Destiny? Some important points about Divine destiny How do you know? An Angel Is Appointed
Material: IIF – 162-165
Assessment Homework: Quiz: Review questions from previous classes Homework:Reading the next week assigned pages from textbook
Week 31 Duration:40 Mins
Topics: We cannot comprehend everything through intellect The scorpion, the frog, and the snake The angel of death’s (Azrail) gaze Human willpower I Take Refuge in His Decree
Material: IIF – 166-170
Assessment Homework: Quiz: Review questions from previous classes Homework:Reading the next week assigned pages from textbook
Week 32 Duration:40 Mins
Topics: To become a true believer Divine Destiny Hasan’s Letter Recyclers The fate of everything until the last day
Material: IIF – 171-174
Assessment Homework: Quiz: Review questions from previous classes Homework:Reading the next week assigned pages from textbook
Week 33 Duration:40 Mins
Topics: That which is ordained by Allah The Sultan’s Gold Seek a cure for the disease More Beneficial The call to righteousness Allah’s Secret They will conquer constantinople
Material: IIF – 176-181
Assessment Homework: Quiz: Review questions from previous classes Homework:Reading the next week assigned pages from textbook
Week 34 Duration:40 Mins
Topics: Throw yourself over the mountain A letter to the people of Basra They were recorded in the divine knowledge The farmer and the brick-maker Divine Wisdom and the providential recovery
Material: IIF – 181-184
Assessment Homework: Quiz: Review questions from previous classes Homework:Reading the next week assigned pages from textbook
Week 35 Duration:40 Mins
Topics: Then Place your trust in Allah On What Do You Rely? Only if you eat it This Supplication is Sufficient When He left home To be granted one of three things Supplication is prevention The virtues of charity
Material: IIF – 186-189
Assessment Homework: Quiz: Review questions from previous classes Homework:Reading the next week assigned pages from textbook