Mecca Again

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Although Taif had not given the expected result, with Addas and the jinn entering Islam, the heart of the Messenger of Allah was somewhat subdued, and he set off for Mecca again. When the road had approached Mecca, he decided to go to the mountain of Nur like back in the days and then he made his way to Hira. The Mecca that had closed its doors to him was there right in front of him, the Baytullah, House of Allah, was sad and the believers were orphaned! A silent conversation between them took place. They understood one another very well, for the Messenger of Allah who was known as the “twin brother of the House of Allah” was also orphaned and sad. Zayd, on the other hand, was wondering how they could enter Mecca and could find no solution. He couldn’t contain himself and at last he asked: “They have banished you O Messenger, how do you propose to enter Mecca?”

The Prophet of Mercy, peace and blessings be upon him, was self-possessed as always, one could see that he could foresee the outcome of his actions: “O Zayd! There is no doubt that Allah will send a way out, open a new door; there is no doubt that He will protect His religion and He will make His Prophet victorious!”

Later, obeying the need to make use of “causes and means,” the Prophet of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, sent word to some people in Mecca because he did not want to face any problems while returning to his village. The first person he thought of was Akhnas ibn Shariq, but he responded saying: “I have made a pact, a man like me who lives under a pact cannot offer protection for anyone else,” thus refusing his request. The same message was then taken to Suhayl ibn Amr known as the wordsmith of the Quraysh. But he responded saying: “The sons of Amir cannot offer protection to the sons of Qab,” making it clear that he was not yet ready for siding with the noble Prophet. Maybe they were afraid to give a positive answer. But it was clear that Suhayl was a name that our beloved Prophet considered often and from whom he expected many things.

The positive answer came from Mut’im ibn Adiyy.

When the request of the Messenger of Allah reached him, he gathered his children together and advised them in the following way: “Put on your weapons and go and wait for me at the pillars of the Ka’ba, for I have given protection to Muhammad.”

Then he himself came to the Ka’ba and said to the people from atop his camel: “O Quraysh! Know well that I have given protection to Muhammad; do not harass him!”

Thus letting the whole of Mecca know that whoever harassed Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, would have him to answer to. Then the Messenger of Allah came to Mecca with Zayd. The first place they wanted to visit was the Ka’ba, and after saluting it, they performed two units of Prayer and then turned towards their happy home. During all this, Mut’im ibn Adiyy was protecting him, not allowing anyone to do him any harm.

On the other hand, Abu Jahl was worried for his own campaign and soon enough he approached Mut’im to ask: “Have you only given him protection or have you become Muslim as well?”

Mut’im turned to his friend and said: “No, I have not become Muslim; I have just given him protection.”

This was the answer that Abu Jahl was expecting and so he said: “Then we will not touch someone to whom you have given protection!”

His name was so trusted that his enemies were ready to protect him against his worst enemies at the expense of their whole family. It was clear that to have a say in society and to have one’s requests answered, one had to be able to show a sense of humanity in order to have enough “credit” in society. The name of this credit was trust and its source was purity. This credit carried a value that could not be compared to any earthly value, for had they offered the most precious treasures to Mut’im that day, he would not have taken such a risk, he would not have put himself against the whole of Mecca. But the trust he felt for Muhammad the Trustworthy, peace and blessings be upon him, his innocent stance in the face of all that had been done to him moved the likes of Mut’im, and made them feel the need to say “stop” to what was being done to our noble Prophet.


Kesmez, Umit. “The Luminous Life of Prophet Muhammad (SAW)” Tughra Books Press. December 2014.