Prophet and Teaching The Qur’an

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Q: Is it possible that the Prophet was taught the Qur’an by others?

Such a thing is neither possible nor probable; all of history is witness that God’s Messenger was never a student to anyone nor had he ever been taught by anyone. As a matter of fact, it is extremely well-known that he could neither read nor write. The Meccan polytheists sometimes attributed the Qur’an to God’s Messenger himself and sometimes to some other person whom they claimed had imparted it to the Prophet. But, in fact, they themselves did not believe in these lies. The Qur’an reproaches them for their slander as follows:

Those who disbelieve say: “This (Qur’an) is but a fabrication which he (Muhammad) himself has invented, and some others have helped him with it, so they have produced a wrong and a falsehood.” They also say: “(It consists of) only fables of the ancients which he has got written. They are being read to him in early mornings and evenings (while people are at home).” (Furqan 25:4-5)

Certainly We know that they say, “It is but a human being that teaches him.” But the tongue of him to whom they falsely hint is outlandish, while this (Qur’an) is in clear Arabic tongue. (Nahl 16:103)


Akgul, Muhittin (2009). The Quran in 99 Questions (Abdullah Erdemli Trans.). New Jersey: Tughra Books. (Originally published in Turkish as Kur’an İklimine Seyahat)