Ali Unal - THE QUR'AN

The Quran with Annotated Interpretation in Modern English

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Interpretation and commentary; Literal translations of the Qur’an, may often sound irrelevant and fail to correspond to the original meaning. Therefore, many scholars recommend studying the Qur’an through interpretations with commentaries that deal with the reasons for revelation (asbab al-nudhul) and notes for specific references. This book is a comprehensive source that combines interpretation and commentary with extensive notes of explanation. Ali Unal’s translation is one of the best English translations of the last few decades. The language is both lucid and faithful to the original Arabic. The commentary is extremely valuable for two main reasons. The first is the degree to which it roots itself in the classical tafsir tradition, bringing to its audience the insights of centuries of classical Qur’an interpretation. The second is its focus on the spiritual teachings and implications of the verses a focus that is far too rare in many other contemporary commentaries. -Scott C. Alexander, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Islamic Studies Director, Catholic-Muslim Studies, Catholic Theological Union The eloquence and deep learning of this volume speaks to people from all faiths. Readers who are new to the study of the Qur¹an, as well as those who are already immersed in its beauty, will benefit immensely from Unal’s annotated translation. -Dr. Bernadette Andrea, University of Texas at San Antonio The introductory material explaining both the provenance and interpretation of the Qur’an is among the most useful I have encountered in existing editions. I compliment you on presenting a clearly Islamic understanding of the text which neither panders to political correctness nor seeks unnecessary conflict or confrontation with non-Muslim communities. -Robert Hunt, Southern Methodist University

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