Women in Islam

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NEICC hosted the “Women in Islam” seminar in Sunnyside NY on Feb 20, 2016 Saturday evening. The distinguished speaker, Dr. Nuray Yurt, started off the conversation with the historical background of the rights of women in various parts of the world in pre- and post-Islamic era. She then compared the rights given to women after the arrival of Islam to what is granted in developed countries.

Dr. Yurt touched upon the following points: When Islam arrived to Arabian Peninsula, women started to gain the rights deserved. They were given the rights to decide on their marriage, education, family, and children. Women also gained the right to own property and wealth, which was granted to them in North America only in the 20th century. Islam enjoins the seeking of knowledge upon Muslims and it makes no distinction between men and women. For example Aisha, wife of the prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is one of the first teachers of Islam to male and female scholars. In Islam, women are equal to men in bearing personal and common responsibilities. Men and women both have equal responsibilities in pursuits of education and knowledge and receiving rewards for their good deeds.

She emphasized that the Islamic world is composed of so many different nationalities and cultures.

Women feel oppressed in certain countries due to cultural expectations and the local rules and regulations which cannot be explained by the Islamic teachings.