Abraham’s Table

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Scholars of Judaism, Christianity and Islam periodically come together and present their perspective among different topics.

The last panel of the Abraham’s Table took place on Sunday, June 11th in Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal Church. The panel was followed by an iftar dinner. Title of the panel was incredibly inclusive for each aspect of Abrahamic religions; ‘Shalom, Pax, Salam’. All of the three words represented one thing that basic needs of humanity; peace.  Taking steps into understanding others is an essential factor of peace.

Principles and practices of peace among Jews, Christians and Muslims was the subject of the night. How peace is defined in the faith tradition, family, community, nation and world in three religions was discussed by scholars of each religion within the audience of 220 people. Also, why it is so difficult to live in peace was mentioned from the views of three Abrahamic religions.